The vessel features a unique com-
bination of a slow-speed Mitsubishi-
Sulzer 7RND68 main diesel engine,
rated at 11,550 bhp at 150 rpm, fully
automated engine room (ACCU),
state-of-the-art navigation, commu-
nication and cargo monitoring
equipment, hydraulic cargo system,
inert gas and nitrogen generating
The vessel will join three other
tankers, the Seabulk Magnachem,
OMI Dynachem and OMI Hudson,
that are long-term chartered to
Ocean Specialty Tankers Corpora-
tion (OSTC), a Houston, Texas-
based joint venture between OMI
Corporation and Hvide. OTSC
markets the tankers in the domestic
chemical and clean petroleum
For free literature detailing the
conversion services of North Florida
Shipyards or NORSHIPCO,
Circle 61 on Reader Service Card
Willi Becker Rudder
Installed On Converted
'M/V Seabulk America'
Willi Becker Ingenieurbiiro
GmbH of Germany supplied a high-
performance hi-lift flap rudder for
the recently reconstructed 46,300-
dwt chemical tanker M/V Seabulk
Working with consultants on the
project, Willi Becker Ingenieurbiiro
worked on a proposal for a high-per-
formance flap rudder, after it was
found that the vessel's existing rud-
der would be unsuitable following
her conversion. Willi Becker sup-
plied the largest SA-type Becker
rudder, with rudder blades with an
area of 36 square meters.
According to Willi Becker, the
rudder performed extremely well
during sea trials to both the satis-
faction of the company and the
owner, Hvide Shipping, Inc., Ft.
Lauderdale, Fla.
More than 4,000 vessels have
been equipped with Willi Becker-
designed rudders. These vessels rep-
resent various types and sizes, from
small- and medium-sized fishing
boats, cargo liners, supply and Navy
vessels to large passenger ships, car
carriers and 150,000-dwt tankers.
Most recently, Willi Becker Inge-
nieurbiiro has developed a free
hanging rudder designs with areas
of 55 meters square for a 150,000-
dwt tanker under construction.
For free literature detailing Willi
Becker flap type rudders,
Circle 68 on Reader Service Card
Norway Export Award
Goes To Peter Lombard
Peter P. Lombard, president of
American United Marine Corpora-
tion, has been honored for his out-
standing contribution to trade rela-
tions with Norway and the United
States and has been awarded a spe-
cial export diploma by the Export
Council of Norway.
The award, first given in Copen-
hagen in 1966, is presented infre-
quently to recognize special individ-
ual efforts that contribute to the
development of the export markets
of Norwegian companies. Mr. Lom-
bard is the first person from the
U.S. to receive this diploma since
1985. It is the result, in part, of his
success in achieving significant tar-
geted improvements in the U.S.
market positions of his principals.
Mr. Lombard's firm is the sales
representative in the U.S. for four
leading Norwegian producers of ma-
rine equipment. These are Skarpe-
nord International A/S, producers
of complete valve control, cargo
management, EDS, and cargo moni-
toring systems; Permea Maritime
Protection A/S, producers of inert
gas systems; Seatron A/S, producers
of fuel management systems; and
Flebu A/S, producers of inert gas
Norwegian companies supplying
equipment to the shipping industry
are recognized worldwide for the
quality and technical sophistication
of their specialized products and
American United Marine Corpo-
ration provides a comprehensive
range of marketing, sales, engineer-
ing, and technical services to foreign
and domestic manufacturers of en-
gineered products and systems in
the marine, energy, and manage-
ment/conservation markets.
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Circle 304 on Reader Service Card
December, 1990 7
Digital Wave Publishing