Land On
Your Feet.
Avoid emergencies at sea. Count
on the experts who built your
original steam turbine system for
parts and service.
GE provides Navv and merchant marine ships with more than just
parts. Or just repairs. As the leader in steam turbine propulsion and
ships service systems, we also f urnish integrated parts and sen ice
support throughout the life of your ship. Teams of experts are on-call
when you need them: design and manufacturing engineers from GF.
Naval & Drive Turbine Systems, sales and planning professionals from
GF Marine & Defense Facility Sales, engine room sen ice engineers
from GE Marine Services and parts specialists from Argo
International. Thev understand your turbine system in exacting
detail—its design criteria, its operating history and its parts and
service record. It's all part of our commitment to get the job done
right the first time.
Parts Built To System Specs
Only GE builds steam turbine and gear replacement parts with total
system performance in mind. Our parts are superior because they're
supported bv material lists, manufacturing records, test results and
special processes unavailable to machine shops. New GE parts, in fact,
are often better than those the) replace because thev incorporate
adva 1 iced tedtnc>logy.
Call The GE Team
More GE experts are reach to serve your needs than ever before.
Share your upcoming ship overhaul plans with them. Together, you
can outline a timely, cost-effective parts and service program that will
send your ships to sea on time, on budget.
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