Product Tanker
Samsung Shipbuilding
The 33,000-dwt product tanker
Australia Sky, delivered by the Koje
shipyard of Samsung Shipbuilding
& Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., to
Caltex Petroleum Company (Aus-
tralia) Pty., Ltd., is reportedly the
first large tanker vessel fitted with a
twin schilling rudder system. The
Industramar Vectwin Schilling
Rudder system provides the vessel
with excellent maneuverability in
such areas as small harbors and nar-
row waterways, which are normally
under tidal restrictions and offer
limited tug assistance.
Designed to minimize operating
costs, with such features as a bul-
bous bow, automated main engine
bridge maneuvering system, and a
single 8,200 bhp (derated) Hyundai-
built MAN B&W Diesel model
5S50MC main engine, the Australia
Sky carries product oil in eight pairs
of tanks from the Australia coast to
New Zealand. She has double bot-
tom and double hull construction
and is divided into port and star-
board tanks by a centerline longitu-
dinal bulkhead.
The Australia Sky is manned by a
complement of 26, with an overall
length of 592 feet, molded breadth
of 88 feet, molded depth of 54 feet
and draft of 35 feet.
Some of the special features of-
fered by the Vectwin Schilling Rud-
der include full 360 degree control
of speed and direction by use of a
simple joystick control, excellent
course keeping under manual or au-
topilot control, remarkable control
and turning ability at any ship's
speed from full to zero, and report-
edly markedly less vibration than
for a conventional rudder system
running astern.
Equipment List
Main engine . . . Hyundai-MAN B&W
engine .... SSangyong-MAN B&W
Vectwin rudder . Industramar
Level gauge . . Saab
A/C plant . . . Flakt
Propeller .... Hyundai
generator . . . . Nagase-Alfa-Laval
Purifier . . Nagase-Alfa-Laval
Satellite communication .... SAIT-EB
Gyrocompass/autopilot . . . Anschutz
Satellite navigator JRC
Flender Werft
In the third quarter of this year
Flender Werft AG, Lubeck, Germa-
ny, delivered the 33,000-dwt con-
tainership Cap Polonio to the ship-
ping group Hamburg-Sud-Ameri-
kanische Dampfschiffahrtsgesell-
schaft in Hamburg, Germany.
Employed worldwide in the ship-
owners' liner service, the Cap Polon-
io, with an overall length of 657 feet,
molded breadth of about 105 feet,
and draft of approximately 39 feet,
Selectees, from top page: Cruise ship Crown Princess, built by Fincantieri; cruise ship
Nordic Empress, from Cantiers de I'Atlantique; railferry Railship III, built by Schichau See-
beckwerft; cruise liner Crystal Harmony, from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries; and (above) LPG
carrier Jane Maersk, built by Hyundai Heavy Industries.
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December, 1990 21
Digital Wave Publishing