New Tugboat Is First
In Delaware Waters
In Over 50 Years
The Bridget 30 tugboat's 30-foot length, 8-
foot beam and draft of 2 feet allow her to
move easily through the water, achieving
speeds up to 10 knots.
Beckman, Limited of Wakefield,
R.I., builder of antique and classic
launches and tugboats, recently de-
livered a 30-foot steam tugboat to
Peter Van der Veld of Malvern,
Pa. Moored on the Chesapeake and
Delaware Canal, this new tugboat is
the first in Delaware waters in over
fifty years.
The Bridget 30 tugboat is one of
several steam and diesel tugboats,
ranging in length from 22 to 45 feet,
built by the Rhode Island firm. She
is powered by an oil-fired steam
boiler made by Hobby Steam Boil-
ers, Limited, of Slocum, R.I., driving
a Semple Model 354 compound
steam engine.
Designed as a pleasure vessel, the
tug sleeps two forward, has an en-
closed head, complete galley, and
living area with settees for four aft.
The steam boiler, engine and ma-
chinery are located amidships in a
well-ventilated engine room. Cruis-
ing range is about 500 miles, which
permits her to fully explore her
home waters of the Chesapeake and
Delaware Bays.
HamiltonJet Names
Hough Marine Distributor
For Pacific Northwest
HamiltonJet, one of the world's
largest specialist manufacturers of
waterjets, recently announced the
appointment of a new distributor
for the Pacific Northwest area,
bringing to 11 the total number of
distributors for its product through-
out the U.S. and Canada.
Hough Marine & Machine, Inc.,
of Seattle will assume responsibility
for the sales and service of the com-
plete range of Hamilton's commer-
cial waterjets and can offer units
matching gasoline or diesel engines
from 100 to 6,500 hp for a wide
range of work and patrol boats, fast
ferries and pleasure craft.
For full details on the Hamilton-
Jet range of waterjets,
Circle 55 on Reader Service Card
Comsat Introduces
New SeaMail®
Electronic Service
Comsat Maritime Services re-
cently introduced its new SeaMail®
service, a satellite-based electronic
Circle 243 on Reader Service Card •*•
mail service for mariners.
According to John R. O'Brien
Jr., Comsat's vice president of mar-
keting and program management,
"The new SeaMail electronic mail
service lets mariners send and re-
ceive messages to and from loca-
tions around the world, 24 hours a
day, and also lets them access a vari-
ety of marine-oriented information
services such as news, ocean and
weather maps, and navigation advi-
"SeaMail provides user-friendly,
cost-effective messaging from per-
sonal computers (PCs) aboard
ship," Mr. O'Brien said. "Sub-
scribers can create and edit mes-
sages, send telex, Group III facsim-
ile, spreadsheets, computer-gener-
ated data files, customized forms
and reports on ship operations.
Comsat SeaMail also offers inter-
connection with other electronic
mail systems," he said.
For more information on Com-
sat's SeaMail and other maritime
Circle 30 on Reader Service Card
It ljl?j '?
f^Sse -i i
Finc A| 1 I IP RI \rtaJ3enova 1 Trieste/Italy
tel. (0) 40 7391 tlx 461136 M Cantieri Navali Italiani S.p.A. fax (o) 40 7392305
Merchant Shipbuilding Division
Trieste Italy Corso Cavour 1
tel. (.01 40 7391 fax (.01 40 363818
tlx 460041 FINCME I
Naval Shipbuilding Division
Genova Italy via Cipro 11
tel. (0) 10 59951 fax (0) 10 S995379
tlx 270168 FINCGE I
Shiprepairing Division
Genova/Italy via Cipro 11
tel. (0) 10 59951 fax (0) 10 5995379
tlx 870168 FINCGE I
Diesel Engines Division
Trieste/Italy Bagnoli della Rosandra 33
tel. (0) 40 7391 fax (0) 40 827371
tlx 460274 FINCGM I
Digital Wave Publishing