Trinity Industries To Buy
Bethlehem Steel's 74-Acre
Beaumont, Texas, Facility
Bethlehem Steel Corporation re-
cently confirmed that it has signed a
letter of intent with Trinity Indus-
tries, Inc. of Dallas, Texas, for the
sale of its 74-acre Beaumont facili-
David H. Klinges, president of
Bethlehem's marine construction
division, said that Bethlehem is
pleased that a major Texas-based
company is purchasing the former
ship repair yard with its buildings,
shops, machinery, and other facili-
ties, since it should provide new job
opportunities for local residents and
help stabilize the economy of the
City of Beaumont.
Mr. Klinges acknowledged the
assistance and efforts by Beau-
mont's Mayor Maury Meyers, as
well as State Representative Mark
Stiles, in attracting Trinity Indus-
tries as the potential buyer, and the
involvement of Congressman Jack
Brooks and U.S. Senators Bents-
en and Gramm in helping to iden-
tify alternative uses of the yard.
Located on the Neches River, the
Beaumont facility was purchased by
Bethlehem Steel in 1947. The facili-
ty was used to design, build and
repair commercial and military ves-
sels and mobile offshore drill rigs,
and fabricate industrial products.
The yard was closed in August
In connection with this divesti-
ture, Bethlehem recorded a restruc-
turing charge in the fourth quarter
of 1987.
For free literature giving full in-
formation on Trinity Industries,
Circle 14 on Reader Service Card
Kiene Diesel's Fuel
Injection Nozzle Tester
Features Dual Scale Gauge
—Literature Available
The DT-1300 fuel injection nozzle
tester from Kiene Diesel, Addison,
111., is now equipped with an easy-
to-read dual English/metric gauge
for expanded use on domestic and
foreign measures up to 345 bars, the
English scale up to 5,000 psi.
The DT-1300 features pump and
gauge control valves to check for
proper operation, and quick connect
discharge fittings for standard fuel
system components. Ideal as a por-
table or bench-operated unit, the
ST-1300 need not be clamped for
testing and comes with a self-con-
tained reservoir and carrying han-
An essential tool for professional
diesel maintenance, the DT-1300
tests all types of diesel fuel injection
components as well as hydraulic cir-
cuit relief valves. It is available with
a complete set of nozzle connectors,
adapters and interchangeable
gauges for special applications.
Maintenance supervisors, me-
chanics and fleet owners can send
for more information, specification
sheets, etc.
Circle 33 on Reader Service Card
Caterpillar Announces
New Trademarks
Caterpillar Inc., a multinational
company headquartered in Peoria,
111., recently announced it has
adopted two new trademarks. These
marks will identify the corporation
and its products and services by the
two words associated with the com-
pany throughout the world—Cater-
pillar and Cat.
The new marks capitalize on the
traditional Caterpillar and Cat
names by adding a stylized triangle
design incorporated into the first
"A" in each word.
The "CAT" mark will be the main
identifier for products and services
and the dealers who sell and support
them. The "CATERPILLAR" mark
will identify the company, its sub-
sidiaries, its products and services,
and will double as the official corpo-
rate signature.
The company manufactures
earthmoving, construction and ma-
terials-handling machinery, en-
gines, parts and components.
For free literature detailing Cat-
erpillar products and services,
Circle 82 on Reader Service Card
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monorail block
May, 1989
Circle 225 on Reader Service Card
Digital Wave Publishing