Mike Mitchell Appointed
Raytheon Marine Company
Marketing Manager
President of Raytheon Marine
Company Stanley L. Clark re-
cently announced that Michael J.
Mitchell has been promoted to
marketing manager, North America,
with responsibilities for marketing
all marine products in the U.S. and
Canada. Formerly North American
sales manager based in Seattle,
Wash., Mr. Mitchell has relocated
to Raytheon's headquarters in Hud-
son, N.H. He replaces Carsten Pe-
ters, who has been appointed man-
aging director of European opera-
tions, based in Copenhagen, Den-
Mr. Mitchell has 23 years of
marine electronics sales and engi-
neering experience. He joined Ray-
theon in 1966, and has served in
marketing and management posi-
tions in Raytheon's Tampa, New
York, and Manchester offices prior
to assuming his most recent position
in Seattle.
Raytheon produces and distrib-
utes one of the most complete lines
of advanced navigation and com-
muinication equipment available
for vessels of all kinds. Among these
products are radar and bridge inte-
SAVE up to 300 barrelsl
of oil per year!
The Kahlenberg TRITON Piston Horn is a unique sound
producing unit because it requires no compressed air and
no diaphragms yet utilizes air vibrations in a tuned sound
column. The unit consists of an electric motor driving a pis-
ton with a cylinder similar in appearance to an air compres-
sor. Very economical to operate and install. Write for bulle-
tin. 92C. The KB-20 electric horn is available in 110 volt,
A C. or 24 volt, D.C. for vessels up to 246' in length.
4 to 50
1986 Monroe St.
I Two Rivers, Wisconsin, 54541 U.S.A.
I I 414-793-4507 I
to U.S.
Guard &
Solas 1983
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35 Person
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Musk Ox Immersion & Work Suits
» Musk Ox Fire Suits, All Types
• Single & Dual Track
Marine Escape Slides
• 10 & 20 Person
Liferafts / 20, 45 & 50
person buoyant
apparatus inflatable type
PHONE: 305 / 374-5115
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Miami, Florida 33136 TELEX: 522899 SAFETY MIA
Write or
call for
Circle 234 on Reader Service Card Circle 254 on Reader Service Card
gration systems, fishfinders, radio-
telephones, GPS, Loran, SatNav,
SatCom, autopilots, gyrocompasses,
plotters, weather facsimile receiver/
recorders, and more.
Best known for its superior ra-
dars, Raytheon introduced two new
series of radars in 1989, the R80 and
R70 Series radars, which set new
high levels of performance for com-
mercial, sportfishing and yachting
navigators. Raytheon's RAYSTAR
920 GPS navigator, with new multi-
plexed scanning technology and ad-
vanced software, emulates the five-
channel performance of military
units costing tens of thousands of
dollars more.
For more information and free lit-
erature on Raytheon products,
Circle 40 on Reader Service Card
Free Eight-Page
Solenoid Valve Brochure
Available From Circle Seal
Circle Seal Controls of Anaheim,
Calif., is offering a free eight-page
brochure that provides technical
data and specifications on the com-
pany's line of 2-way and 3-way, 2-
position Solenoid Valves.
Circle Seal's Solenoid Valves pro-
vide bubble tight shutoff and oper-
ate from vacuum to maximum pres-
sure rating of 6,000 psi available for
either DC or AC use.
For further information and a
copy of the eight-page Solenoid
Valve brochure from Circle Seal
Circle 11 on Reader Service Card
New Free Brochure
From Graboski Associates
Details Graphics Work
A new free, color brochure from
Tom Graboski Associates, Inc. De-
sign, fully details the company's
architectural signage and graphics
The Coconut Grove, Florida-
based firm specializes in architec-
tural signage and graphics, and has
worked extensively with cruise lines,
both on newbuilding and refurbish-
ment projects.
At present, Tom Graboski Asso-
ciates is working on a complete sig-
nage/graphics program for Admiral
Cruises' new ship Future Seas, and
the new RCCL 74,000-grt sister ship
of the Sovereign of the Seas, under
construction at Alsthom's Chantiers
de L'Atlantique shipyard in St. Na-
zaire, France. The company recently
completed a renovation and graph-
ics project for the riverboat Missis-
sippi Queen. TGA has also designed
signage aboard the RCCL cruise
ships Sun Viking, Nordic Prince,
Song of Norway and Song of Ameri-
The brochure is illustrated with a
number of excellent color photo-
graphs that detail the firm's work
aboard cruise ships, at shopping
malls, office buildings, retail shops,
hospitals, etc.
For a free copy of this well-illus-
trated brochure,
Circle 103 on Reader Service Card
46 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
Digital Wave Publishing