About being technically competitive.
Our marketing managers are well
known, and we hope appreciated, by
shipowners all over the world. But
even the best marketing man cannot
succeed in this harsh and competitive
shipbuilding business if he is not
backed, among others, by the most
appropiate technology.
Did you know that the five
140.000 dwt. tankers under
construction include superoptimised
hydrodynamic shapes leading to large
reductions in installed power over
conventional systems?
Did you know that Astilleros is
building nine freezers for Del Monte
that consume only 124,5 gr bhp/h
and can burn fuel up to 6000
Redwood No. 1 at 100°F?
Did you know that through engine
room automation, automatic
manoeuvring (AUT-PORT notation) and
control systems including CRT's for
monitoring all spaces, some of our
constructions may be operated by
between 10% and 22% less crew
than in conventional constructions?
While some yards complain about
lack of orders, our yards are growing
steadily in newbuildings.
Astilleros continues to make a
genuine contribution to the expansion
of Spain, the fastest growing economy in
Europe...Marketing? Technical excellence?
The answer is Astilleros.
Check on us.
For further information: Astilleros Espaholes, S.A.
Padilla, 17
28006 Madrid
Tel. (3411 435 78 40
Telex. 27648 ASTIL-E
Fax. (341)276 29 56
Circle 153 on Reader Service Card
The Shipbuilders of Spain
Digital Wave Publishing