Motors Reliance Electric
Electronic equipment Litton
Gauges ITT Barton
Connectors Viking Connectors
Convertors Teledyne
Hydraulics Paul Munroe
Line voltage
regulators Superior Electric
Transducers Consolidated Control
Electronic equipment Tektronix
Transformers Jefferson Electric
Condensers Graham
Towed sonar array Gould
Antennas Chu Associates
Communication systems GTE
Condensers .... Transamerica Delaval
Automatic bus transfers . . Ward Leonard
Instruments and
gauges Weksler Instruments
Telephones AT&T
Coils Mario Coil
Circuit breakers Gould
Switchboards . International Switchboard
Controllers GE
Pushbuttons . . . Eaton/Cutler Hammer
Degaussing system Louis Allis
Tank level system IMO Delaval
Electric cable BIW Cable
Terminals Waldo Bros.
Pumps Hardie Tynes
Pumps Carver Pumps
Pumps Warren Pumps
Fire pumps . . . . . . Worthington Pump
Pumps .... Buffalo Pumps
Pumps .... . . Transamerica Delaval
Pumps .... Peabody Barnes
Pumps .... MT Davidson
Valves Cla Val
Strainers/valves CM Bailey
Valves Contromatics
Purifiers .... Alfa-Laval
Valves . . . . Marotta Scientific
Valves WE Williams
Valves Wm. Powell
Valves Leslie
Distillers .... Aqua Chem
Hoses Aeroquip
Valves Liberty
Pipe & pipe
fittings . . . . Alaskan Copper & Brass
Valves Milwaukee Valve
A/C plant . . . York
Refrig. plants . . . . Carrier Transcold
Air compressors Dresser-Rand
Heaters .... ITT Standard
Fans Buffalo Fans
Fire systems 11 i 1 lor
Fire protection Wormald
Sirens and signal
amplifiers . . Henschel
Loudspeakers Dynalec
Clocks Chelsea
Forced draft
blowers . . . United Technology Elliott
Elevators . . . . . Jared Brown Brothers
Doors . . . Advanced Structures
Bulkheads . . . Hexcel
Winches .... Hyde
Capstan & winches Lake Shore
Anchors & chains Baldt
Steel US Steel
Steel Bethlehem Steel
Cathodic protection . . . Electrocatalytic
U.S. Navy Selects
Bailey Network 90 System
For New YTT Vessel
The U.S. Navy has selected the
Bailey Controls' Network 90® dis-
tributed control system and field
equipment for its YTT-9 Torpedo
Test Craft. The craft will perform
acceptance tests for advanced un-
dersea weapons systems. Network
90 will provide control, monitoring
and alarm functions for critical ship
machinery systems, including steer-
ing, maneuvering, main propulsion,
bilge and ballasting.
Among the purchased instrumen-
tation are two custom consoles each
using Network 90 Operator Inter-
face Units (OIUs) to provide a dy-
namic graphic "window" to vessel
operations. The OIUs permit com-
prehensive data collection and ma-
nipulation, with alarm manage-
ment, logging, trending and archival
Control for the ship will be imple-
mented through redundant micro-
processor-based Network 90 Multi-
Function Controller modules. Each
module can execute up to 128 user-
configured control loops
Also included in the instrumenta-
tion selection are the Bailey BC
Smart Transmitters which provide
remote communication, continuous
diagnostics and advanced calibra-
tion features. Transmitter output
can be programmed to be square
root, linear or nonlinear of the mea-
sured variable.
Circle 220 on Reader Service Card
Bailey Controls, a division of
Babcock & Wilcox, is a leading
worldwide supplier of instrumenta-
tion, controls and computer systems
for power generation, process auto-
mation and energy management in
the petrochemical, electric utility
and process industries.
For more information and free lit-
Circle 25 on Reader Service Card
"How to choose
the right valve9
No vapor valve is perfect for
every application. That's why
MMC gives you a choice of six.
This checklist provides you with
the information you need to make
the right decision between the
two most widely used models.
(Fits on existing ullage hatches)
Vaporless gauging Yes Yes
Hot work required for installation No Almost always
Easy installation by ship's crew Yes Sometimes
Ship removed from service No Almost always
Zero ullage available 8" above zero Yes
Sampling capability 1/2 liter 1/2 liter
Valve mechanism Check valve Ball valve
(Positive shut off)
Standard material of manufacture Bronze Stainless steel
Maintenance requirements None None
Cost (approx.) of valve only 10" and larger $1,700
8" and smaller $1,400
Less than $600
Installation cost None Always
No matter which you choose, MMC is prepared to help you meet revised regulations pertaining to petroleum
and chemical barges. Remember, the MMC name stands for more than 30 years of reliability; there's simply
no substitute for that kind of proven performance.
MMC International Corp.
60 Inip Drive
Inwood, NY 11696-1096 U.S.A.
Phone: 800-645-7339
Telex: 96-0140 MAMCAFINND
Fax: 516-371-3134
MMC (Europe) Ltd.
Milburn House, Dean St.
Phone: (091) 232-8339
Telex: 537005 MARINE G
Fax: 44-91-232-9216
MMC (Asia) Ltd.
2-20, 4-Chome, Isobe-Dori
Chuo-ku, Kobe 651
Phone: 078-251-1033
Telex: 5624163 0PECK J
Fax: 078-252-0265
Keeping You in Control
May, 1989 39
Digital Wave Publishing