From our
point of view
IMAC was created when two world leaders
in marine accomodation systems — Pers-
torp and Isolamin/Ecomax — joined forces.
The company represents a new, unique fac-
tor in the field of marine interior design.
Its objective is to offer naval architects, in-
terior designers and other specifiers the
world's most comprehensive range of high
quality, purpose designed outfitting ma-
terials and components.
Associated to IMAC are E-MODUL - spe-
cialized in design and manufacturing of fac-
tory built, pilferage-proof sanitary units for
marine accomodation — and MOMEK, with
a complete range of marine doors and deck
covers together with associated furniture
and fittings.
Total Package.
IMAC has the unique capability to offer you:
• Specification service for the fully coordi-
nated accomodation products according to
your safety, comfort and design require-
• The component package. Complete with
matching doors, sanitary units, floating
floors and furniture etc.
Supervision during erection of the system.
Everything at fixed prices and delivery
times, according to your time schedule.
From our point of view this is what you are
entitled to when you deal with the world
leader in marine accomodation.
On the
face of it.
It is difficult to visualize the interior of a
modern ship without decorative laminates.
IMAC offers the complete range of Perstorp
laminates for marine applications. We also
supply these laminates bonded to a variety
of core materials, including mineral wool,
and the wellknown Navilite N.
Circle 239 on Reader Service Card 3
The IMAC marine accomodation systems were
designed specifically to rationalize outfitting work.
The standard basic module is a bulkhead panel of
sandwich construction with an insulating core of
noncombustible material between facings of either
laminate or sheet steel clad with vinyl film. Though
light,the panels have high strength and can support
heavy fixtures.
The modular system is very flexible and adapts
readily to varying installation parameters.
ashore is the most
effective way of
speeding up in-
terior fitting work
onboard ship. This
is particulary true
in the case of sani
tary units — bath, NJ[.
shower and toilet
modules — where many trades are involved.
E-MODUL specializes in prefabricated
marine sanitary units that feature a high
standard of furnishings and fittings as well
as fast and simple installation. IMAC is now
able to offer the complete E-MODUL range
on a worldwide exclusive basis.
Do you need to know more about complete
marine accomodation systems?
Send away for a full presentation of the
IMAC programme!
Circle 157 on Reader Service Card
• Send me your presentation of the complete IMAC range of products and services.
• Contact me! I want to discuss a specific project.
Name. Title
Purpose engineered
The IMAC exclusive selection
of marine accomodation sys-
tems includes the entire range
of purpose-designed doorsets
from the specialist manu-
facturer MOMEK.
The MOMEK modular range
comprises fully approved
constructions for cabin
doors, fire doors, sliding doors etc. The doors
provide a high level of sound and thermal
Country _
Distributors in the U.S.:
Hopeman Brothers, Inc., P. O. Box 820, 435 Essex Avenue,
Waynesboro, VA 22980, U.S.A., Phone 703 949-9200, Fax 703 949-9259, Telex 469608
Digital Wave Publishing