Bender Awarded $549,549
Contract On *Gulf Farmer'
Bender Shipbuilding & Repair
Co., Inc. was recently awarded a
$549,549 contract for the drydock-
ing and repair of the S/S Gulf Farm-
er, a 495-foot by 69-foot general car-
go ship based in the Maritime Ad-
ministration's Ready Reserve Fleet
in Beaumont, Texas.
Bender is a full-service shipyard
that builds, converts and repairs
vessels for commercial and govern-
mental owners and operators.
For free literature giving full de-
tails on the facilities and capabili-
ties of Bender Shipbuilding & Re-
Circle 12 on Reader Service Card
ZF Of NA Introduces
Extended Service Plan
For Marine Transmissions
One of the first extended service
programs for marine transmissions
has been introduced by ZF of North
America, Inc., Lincolnshire, 111.
ZF, a worldwide manufacturer of
major power train components, of-
fers a Buyer Assurance Plan that
pays 100 percent parts and labor for
any original or like replacement part
that fails to perform in normal use.
The plan also pays for service due to
defects in materials and workman-
The Buyer Assurance Plan covers
ZF Marine Transmissions for 24, 36,
48 or 60 months.
For a low upfront investment, the
Buyer Assurance Plan offers owners
of boats with ZF transmissions a
number of important benefits, ac-
cording to Kenneth Petrowski,
manager of sales and marketing for
the company's marine division.
"The plan allows customers to
budget accurately for warrantable
service costs by paying one, afforda-
ble preset fee," Mr. Petrowski
said. "You lock in your cost for cov-
ered parts and service for up to five
years. It's an excellent hedge against
inflation—a way of keeping costs
down no matter what happens to
the economy."
The coverage may be transferred
for a small fee when the boat is
sold—an option which enhanced re-
sale value, Mr. Petrowski said.
For information on ZF's Buyer
Assurance Plan,
Circle 9 on Reader Service Card
Directions In Design
Completes Interior Work
On Two Sister Vessels
Directions In Design (DID), Inc.,
a St. Louis, Mo.-based ship interiors
firm, has recently completed the
redesign and interiors installation of
two sister ships, the Huck Finn and
the Tom Sawyer, both operated by
Gateway Riverboat Cruises, Inc.
and berthed on the St. Louis river-
DID's work on the boats included
May, 1989
the selection of new wall coverings,
flooring materials, and window
treatments. The assignment was
completed on a fast-track schedule
of eight weeks. In the past four
years, DID has orchestrated 20 ship
installations across the U.S.
DID provides clients with com-
prehensive space planning and de-
sign, project management and in-
stallation capabilities. The firm is
experienced in designing tasteful
excursion, dinner cruise, and theme
vessel interiors with materials that
meet strict USCG safety require-
ments. In addition to custom bar,
cabinetry, glass, and lighting design
capabilities, DID offers clients ac-
cess to a nationwide network of spe-
cialty workrooms, suppliers, and in-
stallers who specialize in ship inter-
In addition to Gateway Riverboat
Cruises, other clients for which DID
has completed projects include The
Circle 315 on Reader Service Card
World Yacht Fleet in New York
City Harbor; The Gateway Clipper
Fleet In Pittsburgh, Pa.; Seattle
Harbor Tours in Seattle, Wash.; Un-
cle Sam Boat Tours in Alexandria
Bay, N.Y.; Massachusetts Bay Lines
in Hingham, Mass.; and Pacific Ma-
rine Yacht Charters in Mill Valley,
For a free brochure detailing the
ship design capabilities of DID,
Circle 34 on Reader Service Card
Liebherr Deck Cranes
keep pace with the times.
For special ships carrying all kinds of cargo,
our versatile crane range must be first choice.
Each one is a market leader in its specific
field of application capable of tackling the
toughest jobs. Yet they have one common
feature, all of them are designed to help you
run your business in the most cost-effective
way possible.
For more information please talk to us or
write for literature.
P. O. Box 10, A-6710 Nenzing/Austria
Tel.: (0 55 25) 24 80-0, Telex: 52141 lwn a
Telefax: (0 5525) 24 80-20
or our representative
2101 Executive Drive
Tower Box 40
Hampton, Virginia 23666
Tel.: (804) 827-9728
Telex: 6 71-16 84
or see us at the
Hall C - Booth No. 234
Digital Wave Publishing