Foss Maritime Signs
20-Year Lighterage Pact
Foss Maritime Company, Seattle,
Wash., has signed a 20-year contract
with Cominco Alaska Incorporated
for seasonal lighterage service in
northwestern Alaska commencing
The contract calls for Foss to
move Cominco's "Red Dog Mine"
annual ore concentrate production
to deep-draft ships waiting four
miles offshore.
Foss plans to utilize two 3,000-hp
oceangoing tugs and two 6,000-dwt
barges fitted with ore transfer sys-
tems for the lighterage service.
Joseph A. Martin Named
VP, Operations, NOLA
Centurion Fabricators
Joseph A. Martin
Joseph A. Martin has been ap-
pointed vice president of operations
for NOLA Centurion Fabricators, a
division of NOLA Fleet Manage-
ment, Inc.
NOLA Centurion operates a
barge and vessel repair and fabrica-
tion facility on a 30-acre site in
Braithwaite, La.
Prior to assuming his present re-
sponsibilities for NOLA Centurion,
Mr. Martin served two years as
operations manager for the parent
company, NOLA Fleet Manage-
ment. He also directed special proj-
ects for Marec, Inc., another corpo-
rate division.
Mr. Martin has an extensive
background in the marine mainte-
nance and fabrication field, having
served for five years with Bergeron
Industries, Inc., in various capaci-
ties including sales, purchasing,
planning, production, and as gener-
al manager of the firm's Demopolis,
Ala., operation.
He also spent four years with
Halter Marine Services, Inc., New
Orleans, in various capacities.
Sperry Marine Offers
Six-Page Full-Color
Brochure On RASCAR
Sperry Marine Inc. of Charlottes-
ville, Va., has published a six-page
full-color brochure on RASterscan
Collision Avoidance Radar (RAS-
The brochure explains that Sper-
ry Marine's revolutionary new RAS-
CAR is a series of radars and AR-
February, 1989 1 1
PAs designed to meet or exceed all
SOLAS and type-approval require-
ments for vessels in the 1,600-gt and
above range. All RASCAR models
include the super-fast CAS IV Colli-
sion Avoidance features. The RAS-
CAR model 3400M is a fully com-
pliant, type approved ARPA.
Among the features discussed
which the RASCAR series incorpo-
rates are: (1) Touchscreen Control-
ler—All radar and CAS™ functions
are executed rapidly and accurately
via the touchscreen. Controls are
logically grouped within the opera-
tor's main field of view. The result is
a fast, direct and intuitive link be-
tween man and machine. (2) First
High Resolution Color Display—
The RASCAR series includes the
model 2500C display, the first high
resolution color display for the big
ship market. (3) The Highest Dis-
play Quality—The unique combina-
tion of high resolution, a non-inter-
laced raster and the highest refresh
rate eliminates picture flicker. (4)
Circularly Polarized Antenna—Cir-
cular polarization virtually elimi-
nates rain clutter.
Illustrations include various con-
figurations, and there is a listing of
specifications for antennas, trans-
mitters, receivers, displays, etc.
For more information and a free
copy of Sperry Marine's brochure
on RASCAR, '
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Digital Wave Publishing