New Color Video Sounder
From Raytheon Offers
Advanced Multi-Screen Presentations
Raytheon's new JFV-200 Color
Video Sounder offers a wide variety
of advanced multi-screen presenta-
tions, including split-screen A-
Scope and horizontal or vertical
split-screens. New, U.S. made, high
technology, dual-beam transducers
produce exceptional target defini-
tion and bottom discrimination. Us-
ing a high-resolution (512 by 512
pixels), ultra-bright 14-inch CRT,
and dual-frequency transmitters
(200 kHz, 50 kHz, 38 kHz, 28 kHz),
with 3-kw rms output, this new
color video sounder gives fishermen
the leading edge yet, according to
Raytheon, costs less that others in
its class
The JFV 200 offers ultra-high-
efficiency dual-beam transducers
with a combination of frequencies to
maximize fish detection characteris-
tics in the narrow-beam mode, and
optimize bottom detail in its wide-
beam mode. To get this extra meas-
ure of clarity, operators simply flip
the front-panel switch from narrow
to wide-beam modes.
Raytheon and JRC have worked
together with professional fisher-
men to develop the most effective,
easy-to-use controls. Using the JFV-
200 unit's logical arrangement of
rotary and keypad controls, fisher-
men can choose a wide selection of
high-contract, vivid pictures that
are easy to understand.
A choice of eight or 26 colors is
available for video-sounding ranges
to 5,000 feet, fathoms, or meters.
Temperature graph, bottom lock,
VRM expand, bottom discrimina-
tion, midwater expansion, and A-
Scope are a few of the displays avail-
able from the JFV-200. Combina-
tion displays, with up to four split-
Siemens Offers Free
100-Page Catalog On
Contractors And Starters
A new 100-page catalog, CP2, de-
scribing the complete line of en-
closed type contractors and starters
has been issued by the Controls
Division of Siemens Energy & Auto-
mation, Inc.
The catalog highlights Siemens
World Series contactors and start-
ers which meet or exceed the re-
quirements of NEMA, UL, and IEC
standards. The World Series 3TB
contactors are compact and easy to
install and maintain, while provid-
ing reliable switching throughout a
long service life. In addition to these
benefits, Siemens World Series
starters also offer Class 10 overload
protection and inherent phase loss
and unbalanced load protection. Di-
February, 1989
• * h Q 9 •
JFV-200 Color Video Sounder from Ray-
screens, can be presented simulta-
neously. Each of the dual-frequency
channels can be independently con-
trolled for all functions.
Important navigational data is
numerically displayed on-screen, in-
cluding own vessel's position in lat/
long or TD's, boat speed, depth,
water temperature, date and time.
Horizontal and vertical VRMs are
standard. Distance and time marks
are shown. Event data, including
depth, water temperature, and
hardness of bottom can be trans-
ferred and displayed on Raytheon's
new companion NWU-53 Color
Plotter, or remote monitors.
Raytheon offers all important
CRT symbols, descriptions and
menu setup instructions in multiple
languages (English, Norwegian,
French, Spanish, Icelandic) by plug-
in ROM.
For free literature giving com-
plete information on Raytheon's
new JFV-200 Color Video Sounder,
Circle 98 on Reader Service Card
agrams, photos, and charts provide
complete technical data, pricing,
and catalog number information to
simplify the selection process.
The Controls Division of Siemens
Energy & Automation, Inc., manu-
factures and markets motor control
centers, medium voltage controllers,
and a full line of control products
including starters, contactors, and
overload relays. Headquartered in
Atlanta, Siemens Energy & Auto-
mation, Inc. manufactures electrical
and electronic equipment and sys-
tems for electrical utilities, commer-
cial and residential construction
and general industry. A member of
the Siemens Group, the company
has 24 plants in the U.S., and its
products are marketed worldwide.
For further information and a
free copy of the 100-page catalog
from Siemens,
Circle 73 on Reader Service Card
Crowley Maritime
Names Robert P. Andres
Senior VP-Administration
Crowley Maritime Corporation, a
diversified marine transportation
firm with worldwide operations, has
named Robert P. Andres as se-
nior vice president, administration.
The appointment was recently an-
nounced by Leo L. Collar. Crow-
ley's president and chief operating
Mr. Andres will have broad re-
sponsibility for information sys-
tems, purchasing, strategic planning
and facilities management. He joins
Crowley from a 32-year career with
International Business Machines
(IBM), where he held a variety of
executive positions.
Crowley has experienced rapid
growth over the past few years, par-
ticularly in international liner ser-
vices. The firm has long been a
major carrier in the domestic off-
shore trades and worldwide contract
World's most popular on
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Use-A-Cube containers ideal for
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includes: stainless steel panels and
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ease: 110-VAC. 60 Hz. 12 Amp
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World's Largest
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Circle 176 on Reader Service Card 1 1
Digital Wave Publishing