Your Marine System Parts
are in Stock.
In most cases, your local Caterpillar
Dealer or marine dealer can fill your parts
order immediately from his large inven-
tory of genuine Cat Marine Engine,
Transmission or Generator parts.
In those rare instances when the part
you need is not in stock, you'll still get
it within 48 hours or less or the part is
free. That's the Caterpillar 48-Hour Parts
Policy." It's a Caterpillar exclusive ... no
other engine builder offers a comparable
program. And, it's good for 4 years from
date of delivery.
Call your participating Cat Dealer or
marine dealer today. He can give you full
details on the 48-Hour Parts Policy. Or
write Caterpillar Information Services, P.O.
Box 3900, Peoria, IL 61614.
'Subject to terms and conditions as outlined in
the 48-Hour Parts Policy.
Guaranteed Parts
Another Standard
Feature Of
Caterpillar Marine
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