(continued from page 43)
In addition to high operating ef-
ficiency, the 58/64 engines will
provide excellent waste heat re-
covery opportunities. Exhaust gas
temperature downstream of the
turhocharger will be 660 F over a
broad operating range. In a num-
ber of applications, this means
that the at-sea electrical load can
be produced by the waste heat re-
covery system instead of an auxil-
iary generator, resulting in addi-
tional fuel savings.
Booth No. 713 Circle 85 on RSC
Gabions, stone-filled baskets,
were used some 2,200 years ago in
China to control rivers for naviga-
tion and irrigation. Then, wicker-
work baskets, Zhulong, were used
where now zinc-coated woven steel
wire is employed, additionally pro-
tected with PVC when used in cor-
rosive conditions.
On the Mississippi, a major ga-
bion-lined spillway at the Old River
Control Structure helps to main-
tain river levels at the desired
heights. For that structure, thou-
sands of tons of stone were trans-
ported long distances entirely by
Gabions have many uses on in-
land waterways worldwide, from
canals of some age such as Eng-
land's Manchester Ship Canal to
smaller projects such as the Cape
May Canal in New Jersey, a vital
link in the coastal waterway
Whether the structure is a river
wall, a revetment, a yacht marina,
or even a hovercraft ramp, Macca-
ferri can supply the proper gabions.
Booth No. 404 Circle 26 on RSC
Medart Marine Supply will fea-
ture a wide variety of products
that the company distributes, in-
cluding Nabrico winches and cast-
ings, Perko running lights, Cal-
June flotation devices, ACR lights,
Wellington Puritan and Crowe
rope, Stearns lifevests, Ray Jeff
hand radios, Morse Pushnees, and
Husky trash pumps.
Booth No. 407 Circle 27 on RSC
Mirrlees Blackstone (USA) Inc.,
a Hawker Siddeley company, will
be exhibiting at the Inland Water-
ways Show for the first time this
year. Mirrlees manufactures die-
sel engines for marine and indus-
trial applications in a power range
from 180 to 12,000 bhp in a num-
ber of model types.
The company's exhibit will em-
phasize engine models most suited
for new construction and retrofit of
medium- to high-horsepower river
towboats. These models include
the ESL MK2 range of up to 1,620
bhp, and the K Major MK3 line of
engines with ratings up to 12,000
The low specific fuel consump-
tion of this range of engines and
their long experience and capabil-
ity to burn residual fuels will be
highlighted at the Mirrlees exhibit.
Booth No. 508 Circle 28 on RSC
MonArk Boat Company of Mon-
ticello, Ark., a leading producer of
all-welded aluminum workboats,
will be displaying new products,
designs, and models.
A typical MonArk design is the
32-foot harbor service launch de-
livered recently to Zuccala Harbor
Service in Boynton Beach, Fla.
This boat is being used as an aid
to navigation and service launch
in the Ft. Lauderdale area.
Booth Nos. 209 & 305 Circle 29 on RSC
Neese will exhibit a complete
line of foul weather gear, designed
to give maximum protection
against not only the elements, but
also most marine and industrial
applications. Garments are sized
for comfort and mobility when
worn over cold weather wear.
All garments are guaranteed for
one full year from date of purchase
against defects in materials and
workmanship, or return to Neese
for replacement.
Booth No. 208 Circle 30 on RSC
North Carolina Twine & Cor-
dage, Inc. is a manufacturer of pol-
ypropylene and nylon ropes for
marine and industrial applica-
tions. High-quality, three-strand
twisted ropes and leaving line, as
well as braided ropes are avail-
able. All polypropylene rope is
made from monofilament yarns
manufactured at the company's
plant in Mt. Airy, N.C.
Booth No. 714 Circle 31 on RSC
Porter Coatings Division of Por-
ter Paint Company will display its
high-performance protective coat-
ings, including Zinc-Lock® and the
Wintercure/Fast Dry Systems.
Technical personnel will be on
hand to discuss specific corrosion
problems and to recommend coat-
ings systems.
Booth No. 703 Circle 32 on RSC
Quincy Compressor Division of
Colt Industries will display a base-
mounted Model D 325, 5-horse-
power compressor.
Quincy two-stage compressors
are specified for shipboard use by
the U.S. Government, including
the Navy and Coast Guard. The
specific features are pressure lu-
brication, high-pressure (up to 500
psig) capability, air-cooled, sim-
plicity of maintenance, low oil
level protection, oversize Swedish
steel disc values, etc.
Booth No. 315 Circle 33 on RSC
Smith and West Manufacturing
will feature its Touch and Go
Safety Systems, which were de-
signed by a licensed pilot for use
on the inland waterways. This sys-
tem eliminates the need to place
men in hazardous locations should
an emergency require turning the
boat loose. It is designed to release
simply by depressing switches in
the pilothouse. Timing is often a
crucial aspect in preventing boat
damage, and this system allows
the pilot to retain control of a tow
as long as possible.
Releasing the face wires not
only eliminates the cost of replac-
ing them but also allows the boat
to reface immediately, which can
be critical to preventing barge
damage. The system incorporates
a release mechanism for each face
wire as well as separate controls,
thus eliminating the possibility of
a complete malfunction. The re-
lease mechanism can also be oper-
ated manually in case of electrical
Booth No. 309 Circle 34 on RSC
Sperry Corporation of Great
Neck, N.Y., one of the world's
largest commercial maritime sup-
pliers of navigation and guidance
systems, has recently introduced a
new line of vessel traffic surveil-
lance (VTS) systems using a new
computer-controlled console that
provides full-color graphics, a
touch-sensitive screen for control
functions, and harbor data man-
agement capabilities.
Sperry has also developed new
communications links to send and
receive data from remote radar
sites using low-cost, voice-quality
cable or microwave hookups.
We also produce
a full line of Foam-
Filled Fenders.
• Highly stable mooring & marking
• Unsinkable even if severely
• Tough cast polyurethane skin resists
abrasion and Impact.
• Core of closed cell foam
• Optional mooring attachments and
marker lights available.
• Standard color bright orange — can
be highlighted with markings in any
• Available for prompt delivery.
• We've made thousands of these time
tested products
• Sizes to fit any application from 301b.
to 25.000 lb. net buoyancy.
InterTrade (714) 894-5566
Marine Products Division
15301 Transistor Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 U.S.A.
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