asked exhibitors to tell us about
the products and services they
would be exhibiting at the Inter-
national Inland Waterways Show
in September. The following is
based on replies received at press
If you wish to receive additional
information from any of the fol-
lowing exhibitors, circle the corre-
sponding reader service number
on the reader service card in the
back of this issue.
A-C Brake Company will be fea-
turing products from Korody-
Colyer, who manufactures replace-
ment parts for Detroit Diesel
engines and also has a marine
gear in its product line. Also being
featured will be the Sweeney torque
multipliers and the OTC tools and
equipment such as the engine stand
and heavy-duty pullers.
A-C Brake is celebrating its
60th anniversary this year. Start-
ing out primarily as a brake spe-
cialist, the company is presently
in its fourth location, and covers
the State of Kentucky and South-
ern Indiana. However, shipping
products across the country is a
common practice. Now carrying
about 80 product lines, A-C Brake
not only serves the trucking and
construction industries, but has
many replacement parts and
equipment suitable for the marine
Booth No. 213 Circle 11 on RSC
Alfa-Lavel Nirex Engineering
recently introduced its new Series
C freshwater disillters, which are
said to be compact and easy to in-
stall. This, the manufacturer hopes,
will convince shipping companies
of the advantage of replacing con-
ventional distillers with Nirex
units while vessels undergo rou-
tine overhaul.
The new Series C unit is a
streamlined version of Alfa-Laval
Nirex's well-known JWP-36 dis-
tillers. The "C" in the type desig-
nation refers to the combined con-
denser cooling and ejector water
system. This combined system
lowers installation costs and deliv-
ers substantial economic benefits
when installed in a centralized
cooling system. Combining con-
denser cooling and ejection elimi-
nates the cooling water connection
from the cooling water system of
the ship to the distiller.
Booth No. 510 Circle 79 on RSC
American Air Filter, an Allis-
Chalmers company, will be featur-
ing its new Amer-kleen cartridge
filter for locomotive compressors.
The Amer-kleen 300 cylindrical
cartridge filter represents a break-
through in air filtration technol-
ogy for locomotive air compres-
sors. The cartridge filter, which is
said to have as much as twice the
dust holding capacity as competi-
tive one-inch-thick filters, is de-
signed to withstand the demand-
ing requirements of air compressor
For years the Amer-kleen car-
tridge filter has been used success-
fully to clean the engine intake air
of high-horsepower diesel engines.
The filtering efficiency, operating
economics, and performance char-
acteristics of this glass fiber filter
media makes it ideally suited for
cleaning the intake air on air
Features include low initial re-
sistance, high dust holding capac-
ity, filter media not effected by
moisture or oily atmosphere, dou-
ble layer of grading density media
provides high filtering efficiency,
ease of maintenance, and long ser-
vice life.
Booth No. 717 Circle 12 on RSC
Ameron Protective Coatings Di-
vision of Brea, Calif., provides a
full line of high-performance ma-
rine primers and coatings devel-
oped and tested in marine re-
search laboratories worldwide.
They effectively protect vessels
from corrosion and from animal
and plant growths (bottoms) under
dynamic and static conditions.
Products introduced recently in-
clude: Amercoat® 2438, an abla-
tive antifoulant; Amercoat 2161
and 2162, the most recent inor-
ganic antifoulants and a bold ad-
vance into a new technology; and
Amercoat 346, a high performance
tank lining for marine chemical
Amerlocka/400 was introduced
in 1983. This is a new, high-solids,
self-priming topcoat specifically
developed for the maintenance of
steel surfaces.
Ameron introduced the inor-
ganic primer Dimetcote1' to the
marine industry 40 years ago. To-
day, its revolutionary protection of
steel surfaces in corrosive environ-
ments continues with a variety of
formulations available to suit a
wide range of corrosion-resistant
marine applications.
Booth No. 712 Circle 80 on RSC
Anschuetz is not only a leading
manufacturer of gyrocompasses for
all classes and sizes of ships, but
also produces gyro repeater com-
passes, bearing sights, automatic
pilot systems for seagoing ships as
well as riverboats, course and rud-
der position recorders, electrical
steering systems, computer-con-
trolled navigation systems, com-
bined steering stands, gyrcompass,
horizon systems, heave meter
equipment, rate-of-turn indicators,
and electronic servo systems.
The newest Anschuetz products
are the low-cost Gyrostar and
Standard 14. These products have
only recently been added to the
company's family of gryocom-
passes. In addition, Anschuetz now
offers a new low-cost Pilotstar au-
topilot in conjunction with the
Also new is the low-cost, easy-
to-install Compilot 9 steering con-
sole—of special interest to owners
of workboats, fishing vessels, and
yachts. Also of interest is the new
SEACOM satellite communica-
tions terminal, now marketed by
Anschuetz worldwide.
Booth No. 702 Circle 81 on RSC
Aqua-Signal/Browning Marine
will display a new wireless, re-
mote control unit used to operate
barge lights. This unit is small
and self-contained, and gives on/
off control of port, starboard, stern,
and anchor lights.
Also to be shown are the Aqua-
Signal range of navigation lights,
some with photoelectric cells to
switch off during daylight hours,
and the Aqua-Signal line of flu-
orescent lighting for decks and
Booth No. 302 Circle 13 on RSC
Carolyn Equipment Company
(CEC) is a general/industrial con-
tractor and steel erector with full
field and travel capabilities. It spe-
cializes in building bulk liquid
storage tanks with capacities from
50,000 to five million gallons.
These tanks are of fully welded
steel construction, field erected and
each tank is designed specifically
for its end use. CEC's capabilities
also include river lines, pipe
bridges, floating barge and crane
repair services, heavy-gauge duct-
(continued on page 42)
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August 1,1984 Circle 105 on Reader Service Card 41
Digital Wave Publishing