Season after season, Simrad
earns the maritime fleet's trust at sea.
The maritime business is no piece of cake. Especially
when it comes to electronics. Why, you don't even begin to
earn trust until at least five of the seven seas have passed
under your keel. Which is reason enough to build every piece
of our maritime gear to withstand the rigors of non-stop,
whirlwind passages.
Like our Navigation Soun-
der, the ED 161* Its powerful
transmitter insures flawless
recording. And its depth alarm
is loud enough to crank the
heads of a few mates in the
event it should ever go off.
In the Shortwave Marine
Band ADF department, the
TD-C328H ATS is our recom-
mendation, plus a few others*
Reliability is critical and
therefore inherent. In
addition, its distance
indicator will remind __
you of just how far you've
come and how far you've
yet to go.
Distress-wise, our
FCC approved RW-105 Watch Alarm Receiver carries
out the dutiful job of monitoring 2182 kHz impeccably.
A built-in digital watch automatically lifts the mute
during long periods of silence and also kicks-in when
receiving two-tone alarm signals.
And of course, there are
many other products we'd
like to have shown you but
can only talk about. Like our
NL Doppler Speed Log. One
of, if not, the least expensive
doppler log systems to install.
Or our TF series FAX ma-
chines—the 753 and 788—
are as state-of-the-art as
money can buy. And the last
line for your consideration:
our Loran C's. They are,
without question, the most
accurate and simpliest
Loran C's available today.
So whether you're taking your electronics
back to square one or just yanking a single piece of gear,
consider one of the most trusted names on any sea.
ED 161 Nav. Sounder
A trusted name at sea.
2215 Northwest Market Street
Seattle, Washington 98107
(206) 789-6482
New York Houston
New Orleans San Diego
'Complies with SOLAS and IMCO recommendations.
See us at Work Boat Show, Booth #212 & 213.
Circle 154 on Reader Service Card
Digital Wave Publishing