4 - 285' BARGES 2 - 230' BARGES
Deck 3/4"
Side Shell 3/4 & 5/8"
Bottom 5/8 & 1/2"
Length 285'
Breadth 78
Depth 18'
Built 1982
Class Maltese Cross A-1 Ocean Service
ABS Cert, good thru '86/'87 on 3 barges
Flat deck cargo barge of all welded steel construction with raised
forecastle and 6'4" breakwater. Shaped spoon bow, vertical sides,
radiused bilge and square raked stern fitted with hydra-lift skegs. A
centerline bulkhead combined with five transverse bulkheads
divides the underbody into twelve watertight compartments. No. 1
and No. 4 compartments port and starboard are fitted with sea
chests and are ballastable. The barges have a 6" wood wear deck
and heavy tow pads on the bow.
For additional information,
or to make an appointment to inspect,
call or write:
Post Office Box 3977
Seattle, Washington 98124
Mary Coon or Marc Wright
(206) 583-3252
(206) 583-2237
Length 230' Deck 5/8" plate
Breadth 60' Side Shell 5/8" plate
Depth 15' Bottom 1/2" plate
Built 1981
Class Maltese Cross A-1 Ocean Service
ABS Certificate good thru 1986
Flat deck cargo barge of all welded steel construction with a mold-
ed spoon bow, perpendicular sides, radiused sheer and bilge and
raked stern fitted with anti-yaw skegs. The fore and after rakes are
divided into three compartments and a centerline bulkhead from
frame 6 to frame 26 combined with five transverse bulkheads
divides the underbody into fourteen watertight compartments. A
breakwater mounted on the raised forecastle extends across the
bow and heavy towing pads are mounted port and starboard.
The barges will be sold individually to
the highest bidder at open auction at
10:00 a.m. on February 1, 1984 at:
The Cliff House
6300 Marine View Drive
Tacoma, Washington 98422
Bidders must provide cash or a cer-
tified or cashier's check payable to the
U.S. Marshal for 10% of bid at time of
sale. Balance due three business days
after sale.
Barges will be sold "as is, where is" and
should be picked up after complete
settlement has been made.
January 1, 1984 Circle 136 on Reader Service Card 57
Digital Wave Publishing