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Our Work Boat
Show Booth
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Powerful and reliable
Engines from 800 hp (600 kW)
to 13.000 hp (9.600 kW). MaK
manufactures the optimum pro-
pulsion plant for every type of
MaK-engines have been run-
ning on heavy fuel for 20 years.
MaK-reliability enjoys world-
wide renown.
Purchase price, maintenance
intervals and fuel consumption
together guarantee unique,
optimum operating costs. We'll
be happy to show you the cal-
culations for an MaK propulsion
plant. Talk to us about your
engine projects.
MaK - The Reliable Engine
Krupp MaK Diesel Inc.
4333 Di Paolo Center
Glenview, II. 60025
Tel: (312) 298-9544 — Tlx: 254252
Telecopier: 298-6046
January 1, 1984 Circle 136 on Reader Service Card 47
Digital Wave Publishing