Rowan Gorilla I
(continued from page 42)
507-feet-tall legs and 160-feet-tall
drilling derrick, a Gorilla rig com-
prises approximately 16,000 tons
of steel. Its triangular hull is 297
feet long, 292 feet wide, and 30
feet deep. The rig's large size pro-
vides nearly one acre of deck space
for storage of consumables used
during drilling. This ample stor-
age capacity along with certain
design features make the rig com-
patable with hostile offshore areas
where it can continue to drill even
if the flow of supplies from shore
were interrupted.
Classed +A1 by the American
Bureau of Shipping and built in
accordance with Mobile Offshore
Drilling Unit Regulations estab-
lished by the U.S. Coast Guard,
Canadian Coast Guard, U.K. De-
partment of Energy, and Nether-
lands Department of Mines, the
Gorilla rig is designed to survive
up to 90-foot waves and 82-knot
winds while drilling in 328 feet of
The rig has power to spare, with
seven Caterpillar D399 diesel en-
gines with a total output of 11,080
bhp at 1,225 rpm driving seven
generators producing a total of
7,210 kw. Power for the Gorilla's
propulsion assist system is pro-
vided by eight electric motors with
a total output of 6,800 hp con-
nected through gearboxes to two
112-inch propellers in Kort noz-
zles. These motors are mounted on
the machinery deck on either side
of the drilling slot. When using a
10,000-bhp tug, the assist thrus-
ters will increase the towing speed
by about two knots.
Living accommodations are pro-
vided for 80 persons, as well as a
six-bed hospital, dual galley, din-
ing room, and recreation facilities.
The rig's survival system consists
of two 50-man and two 34-man
Whittaker enclosed capsules, U.S.
Coast Guard approved and fitted
with internal communications sys-
tems. A heliport cantilevered out
over the bow has a diameter of 83
feet and 52,500-pound impact load.
Two other Gorilla Class rigs are
now under construction, one at
Marathon's rig yard in Singapore
and one at the Vicksburg yard.
Daewoo Shipbuilding
Daewoo Shipbuilding and Heavy
Machinery Ltd. in Korea delivered
in the last quarter of 1983 a sec-
ond semi-submersible drilling rig
to Santa Fe Drilling Company of
Orange, Calif. Both Santa Fe rigs
are self-propelled, Friede and
Goldman L-907 Pacesetter types,
and were constructed at a price of
$80 million each. These rigs are
capable of 25,000 feet in water
depths up to 1,500 feet. Living
quarters are provided for 96
Since opening a little more than
two years ago, Daewoo's Okpo
Shipyard has delivered eight drill-
ing rigs of two types. In addition
to the two built for Santa Fe Drill-
ing, the yard has constructed two
semi-submersibles for Reading &
Bates Drilling Company of Hous-
ton, and one each for Houlder Off-
shore Drilling Company and At-
lantic Drilling Company, both of
the U.K.
A semi-submersible rig for Ko-
rea Drilling Company is now un-
der construction at the Okpo yard.
With this rig's delivery in the
spring of 1984, Korea Drilling will
be the first Korean company to
own a drilling rig it operates. The
rig will be used to explore Korea's
continental shelf and other na-
tional coastlines.
Promet Private Ltd.
A medium-sized, semi-submers-
ible drilling rig, the Sedco 602,
was delivered recently by Promet
Private Limited shipyard in Sin-
gapore. The rig is owned jointly by
Sedco, Inc. of Dallas and Occiden-
tal Exploration & Production
Company of Bakersfield, Calif.,
and Houston.
Designed by Earl & Wright, the
Sedco 602 can operate in water
depths of 25 to 180 feet. The moor-
ing tensioner riser and drill fluid
systems have been designed for
exploratory and development drill-
ing to 20,000 feet. The design of
this semi-submersible makes it
particularly useful in parts of the
world where drillships are ineffi-
cient and the cost of using huge
semi-submersibles uneconomical.
The rig's main deck measures
170 by 170 feet. It has living quar-
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ters for 88 personnel; other accom-
modations include a hospital and
a recreation room with cinema
area. Sophisticated equipment on
board includes a closed circuit tel-
evision system and a satellite com-
munications installation. The rig
is fitted with two cranes having
booms of 100 feet and lifting ca-
pacities of 50 tons. A helideck can
support the weight of a fully loaded
Sikorsky S-61N helicopter.
The Sedco 602 is classed by the
American Bureau of Shipping and
is built to requirements of the U.S.
Coast Guard and the Intergovern-
mental Maritime Organization. It
began operating in the Philippines
and will then go to China. This rig
is the third semi-submersible built
by Promet; in the first half of 1983
the Singapore yard delivered two
similar rigs of the Sedco 600 series.
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SEDCO 712/714
Hyundai Heavy Industries
Seven semi-submersible drilling
rigs were delivered to Sedco Inc. of
Dallas between November 1982
and July 1983. Delivery of these
new offshore rigs brought the Sedco
drilling fleet up to 42 units; the
company reported that all rigs
were under contract.
Four of the Sedco 700 Class and
three of the Sedco 600 Class were
delivered by three shipyards in
the Far East. The first of the new
deliveries, the Sedco 711, was
completed in November 1982, just
24 months after the order was
placed with Hyundai Heavy In-
dustries of Ulsan, Korea. The Sedco
712 and the Sedco 714 were also
built at Hyundai—the first time in
Sedco's history that three of its
rigs have been under construction
at one shipyard at the same time.
Total contract value for the three
(continued on page 48)
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
Digital Wave Publishing