the Canadian Coast Guard's high
Arctic Class 4 Regulations. De-
signed to operate in conditions of
minus 50 C, they will break level
ice up to 1.2 meters (almost 4 feet)
thick at a continuous speed of
about 3 knots.
The propulsion plant consists of
a geared diesel/C-P propeller com-
bination. The four main engines
are Wartsila Vasa 8R32 diesels
rated 3,725 bhp each at 750 rpm.
These engines, in pairs, drive two
3,750-mm (12.3-foot) Lips control-
lable-pitch, stainless steel propel-
lers through two Lohmann & Stol-
terfohtt dual-input/single-output
reduction gearboxes, model GVA
1400 SO, with a ratio of 4.5:1.
Each gearbox incorporates an aux-
iliary drive for a 1,200-kva alter-
Several unusual features en-
hance performance in ice. Among
these are a hull form incorporat-
ing a forefoot wedge designed to
deflect ice from the path of the
vessel, and large bossings over the
propeller nozzles and rudders to
protect them from ice.
Maneuverability is improved by
electrically driven thrusters lo-
cated fore and aft. The bow thrus-
ter is a 1,200-hp Omnithruster
model JT 1300, and the stern
thruster is an 800-hp KaMeWa
model 1650 B/AS with controlla-
ble-pitch propeller. The Omni-
thruster has been modified to in-
corporate an ice/hull lubrication
system that ejects an air/water
mixture along the forward half-
length of the hull, which is coated
with an epoxy paint, Inerta 160, to
reduce hull/ice friction.
The Ikaluk and Miscaroo have
an overall length of 78.85 meters,
molded beam of 17.22 meters,
molded depth of 9.70 meters, and
design draft of 7.50 meters (258.7/
56.5/31.8/24.6 feet).
A spacious wrap-around wheel-
house provides maximum visibil-
ity for both anchor-handling and
icebreaking operations. Full ship
control consoles are located center
forward, in the forward wings, and
center aft. Wing controls are lo-
cated at the wheelhouse aft sta-
tion and in a separate control
room located above the main winch.
Winch and anchor-handling oper-
ations are monitored by closed-cir-
cuit television.
Deck machinery includes a Bur-
rard Iron Works HLQW quadru-
ple-drum, anchor-handling/towing
winch with a line pull of 150 tons;
two Hydralift cargo cranes; three
Burrard Iron Works CH6 deck
capstans; and two Gearmatic 66
tugger winches, each with a line
pull of 15 tons.
In addition, there are two Bur-
rard Iron H7V anchor windlasses
rated 20 tons at 10 meters per
minute, and two Burrard HE hy-
draulic-driven pennant storage
Ship's service electric power is
provided by two Caterpillar 3412T
diesel generator sets rated 395 kw
at 1,800 rpm; a Cat 3404 diesel
generator set rated 100 kw at
1,800 rpm provides harbor service.
Navigation and communications
equipment includes: two Decca ra-
dars, model TM 1628 with 12-inch
slave unit, and model TM 1266C;
two Sperry gyrocompasses, MK
37; Wagner MK 4 autopilot; Ho-
neywell Elas LAZ-72 fathometer;
Magnavox MX 1105 satellite/
Omega navigator; and a JMC 2215
automatic direction finder.
In addition, there are Marconi
CH150S SSB radios, a Spilsbury
FMX-95S VHF-FM radio, Wulfs-
berg WCS-300 VHF-AM radios,
Sperry SRD-301B doppler log, Al-
den Marinefax IV weatherfax, and
Simrad RW 105 and Marconi
SM100 watch receivers.
Accommodations are provided
for a crew of 22 persons, all in pri-
vate cabins, as well as spacious
lounges, recreation areas, and a
sauna. Particular attention to re-
duction of vibration and noise has
resulted in noise levels of less
than 63 decibels throughout the
accommodations while under full
Halter Marine
The largest, most powerful, die-
sel-electric, anchor-handling tug/
supply boat ever built in the U.S.
was delivered in 1983 by Halter
Marine, Inc. of New Orleans to the
Penrod Drilling Corporation of
Dallas. The Kodiak I is the first of
two 12,280-bhp sister ships that
are 225 feet long overall, with a
beam of 52 feet, depth of 24 feet,
and draft of 20 feet. She is also the
first of Halter's new Sea Titan
Class vessels that are designed to
work just about anywhere in the
world from the Arctic to the trop-
ics. The Sea Titan design not only
meets the requirements imposed
by harsh, icy environments, but
provides 35 tons of air condition-
Main engines (4) Electro-Motive
Main generators (4) Electro-Motive
Reduction gears (4) Philadelphia
Propulsion motors (4) Reliance
Propellers (2) & shafts Coolidge
Bearings Johnson
Generator International
Panels General Electric
Engine controls Ross-Hill
Engine alarms EMI
Steering system SS
Bow thrusters (2) Schottel
Stern thruster Schotte
Thruster motors (3) Reliance
Separators Westfalia
Pumps Aurora, Magnum,
Mission, Viking
Fire monitor Elkhart
Fire-fighting system Kidde
Air compressors Quincy
Sanitation system Microphor
Air conditioning Carrie
Distiller Sweetwater
Lighting . . . Aqua-Signal, Carlisle & Finch
Pauluhn, Phoenix
Radar Decca
SSB radio Harris
VHF radio Sailor
Satellite navigator Decca
Gyrocompass, autopilot Sperry
Loudhailer Raytheon
Rudder angle indicator SSI
Winches Smatco, Beebe
Capstan, tuggers Smatco
Windlass Smatc
Coatings Elinca, Porter
ing to improve habitability in hot
The design of the Kodiak I, which
was tested before construction at
the Maritime Research Institute in
the Netherlands, features a molded
hull rather than the traditional
chine type. The molded hull is said
to pound less and have better sea-
keeping characteristics. The high,
tapered bow also helps to reduce
pounding because of its reduced
flare, which gives it a smoother en-
try into the sea without slamming
and with a subsequent easy recovery.
The Kodiak I represents an en-
tirely new design, including higher
horsepower and kilowattage, in-
creased cargo and pumping capac-
ity, long range, rig anchor chain
stowage, higher speed, fire-fighting
and rescue capabilities, and excel-
lent sea-keeping ability. All this
was achieved while keeping the ves-
sel under 500 gross tons.
Kodiak I's propulsion plant com-
prises four GM Electro-Motive Di-
vision 16-645-E7B diesel engines
driving four 2,100-kw EMD gener-
ators. Together they produce 12,280
bhp at 900 rpm, or 8,400 kw. The
generators feed ac power into a
Ross-Hill silicon controlled rectifier
unit, which converts the ac power
into dc to power the four Reliance
2,500-hp propulsion motors. The
power pool created allows the cap-
tain to draw as much power as is put
in, and the power can be distributed
wherever needed.
As the Kodiak I is designed for
(continued on page 36)
has insured watertight integrity
with conveyor belt doors
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Watertight integrity far subdivision
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high reliability meet the require-
ments of all regulatory bodies.
Unique design offers generous verti-
cal and side clearance to eliminate
conveyor belt damage and insure
long, trouble-free life.
The self-unloading Energy Inde
General Dynamics Quincy Shipbuilding Division
Collier Co., is the first coal fired collier built in the
years. All eight conveyor belt doors are by Walz & Krenzer.
pendence, built by
for New England
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January 1, 1984 Circle 136 on Reader Service Card 31
Digital Wave Publishing