The El Audaz (foreground) underway with the Centauro Del Norte.
El Audaz
(continued from page 22)
Steering gear is hydraulic, a Wag-
ner LAZ-16-35 furnished by W.E.
Four 100-hp Vilter compressors
power the ammonia refrigeration
system. The bow thruster is a
Michigan/Jastram BU60 with a
49-inch propeller, powered by a
Detroit 12V71 diesel engine with
an output of 400 bhp at 2,100 rpm.
The main hydraulic systems were
furnished by Marco. They include
the WS 454 Super Seiner II seine
winch, 3020 cork line winches,
WO 332 brailing winch, and B56A
power block. Miscellaneous Gear-
matic winches are provided for
vanging, topping, choking, and
Incorporated into the hydraulic
system is a Slattery Alaska Ma-
rine deck crane on the forward
deck and a Morris Whaley ring
stripper. Navigation aids include a
Sperry 8T autopilot and a Mark 37
Electronics, furnished by Honor
Marine of San Diego and installed
by Sassman Electronics of Mobile,
include two Furuno FR1011 ra-
dars, Whelen strobe light, Furuno
FE8130F echosounder, Taiyo ADF,
Furuno VHF/ADF, Navidyne
ESZP-3000 satellite navigation,
Hull 2320A radiotelephone, Mor-
row SSB radio, Hull 922R/5 radio,
Raytheon VHF radiotelephone
system, Honor Marine public ad-
dress system, Furuno FAX143 fac-
simile recorder, Bear Cat 300
scanning receiver, Sea Temp sea-
water temperature monitor, and
Telcor windspeed indicator. A
Krupp-Atlas sonar model 950 was
also included in the electronics
Other equipment includes Crane
Deming pumps, Buffalo Forge fans,
Red Fox sewage treatment system,
Westphalia (Centrico) centrifuges,
Quincy air compressors, Argur
alarm systems, Ansul engine room
Halon fire suppression system, Cu-
tler Hammer controllers, Wauke-
sha stern bearings and seals, Hose
McCann navigation light systems,
International Paint coating sys-
tems, Engelhard Chloropacs, Ev-
erpure chlorinators, and Micros
fresh water distillers.
The Bender-built tuna seiners
have steel hulls and pilot houses
of aluminum, reinforced for heli-
copter landings. Each boat is ca-
pable of carrying 1,200 tons of
fish, 85,000/200,000 gallons of fuel,
and 8,500 gallons of fresh water at
a speed of 16 knots.
Master Boat Builders
Saudi Tug Services, a joint ven-
ture company of McAllister Tow-
ing and Transportation and Olayan
Financing Company, has taken
delivery of four offshore supply
vessels built by Master Boat
Builders, Inc. of Bayou LaBatre,
The four new vessels—Amir Ex-
press, Khalifah Express, Malik
Express, and Sultan Express—are
on long-term charter to ARAMCO.
Each has an overall length of 110
feet, molded beam of 26 feet, and
molded depth of 10 feet 6 inches.
Main propulsion power is sup-
plied by twin GM Detroit Diesel
16V71 engines, each with an out-
put of 455 bhp at 1,800 rpm, driv-
ing through Twin Disc MG 518 re-
duction gears having a ratio of 5:1.
Two 50-kw, 208/120-volt, 4-wire
60-cycle generators are driven by
Detroit Diesel 4-71 engines at 1,200
Each vessel is equipped with 60-
inch-diameter, 4-bladed bronze
propellers, Cutlass rubber stern
tube bearings, and dual Electrol
hydraulic steering system. Engine
controls are by KoBelt Pneumatic
Deck machinery includes a Nau-
Perhaps you thought of Bay-Houston simply as the largest
harbor towing company on the Texas Gulf Coast. Actually at one
time we were two towing companies - The Bay Towing Co. and
more efficient service.
So the next time you see a tug that has IH on its stack
remember, you're really seeing two towing companies. But it's
The Houston Towing Co. In 1948 we merged these two companies also important to remember they both really work for one
into the present Bay-Houston Towing Co. to provide you with a company... you.
Houston • Galveston • Corpus Christi • Freeport • Texas City
tike 220 hydraulic pedestal crane
and an electric, single-drum Mc-
Elroy anchor-handling winch.
Electronic gear includes Furuno
701 radar, Hull 922 20-channel
SSB radio, Datamarine Digital
3000 fathometer, Texas Instru-
ment 9900 Loran C, and two Sailor
144 MAC VHF radios. Coatings
were supplied by Devoe Coatings.
If you see two towing companies here, you're right!
, ' J ^m
Champion Swiftships
Champion Swiftships, Inc. of Pass
Christian, Miss., in the spring of
1983 delivered the first of a two-
tug order, the 3,900-bhp Frank
Candies, to Otto Candies, Inc. of
Des Allemandes, La. The sister
vessel, the Ben Candies, followed
a few months later.
The Frank Candies has an over-
all length of 117 feet, beam of 34
feet, and depth of 17 feet. The
tug's main propulsion plant com-
prises two GM Electro-Motive Die-
sel 16-645-E6 engines, each rated
1,950 bhp at 900 rpm, driving two
117- by 86.1-inch Coolidge propel-
lers through two Reintjes model
2650 reduction gears having a ra-
tio of 5:1.
Electronic equipment includes
two Furuno FR711 radars, a Ray-
theon Ray 350 loudhailer, a Fu-
runo LC70 Loran C, a Panasonic
RF4900 shortwave receiver, two
Apelco Clipper 82 VHF radios, a
Hull 255 SSB radio, an Okeanos
RS5000 satellite navigation unit,
and a Datamarine 2650 depth
Other equipment includes a sin-
gle-wildcat windlass by Markey, a
TDSD32 Markey towing winch,
and a Halon fixed fire-fighting sys-
tem. Coatings were supplied by
Main engines (2) EMD
Reduction gears (2) Reintjes
Propellers (2) Coolidge
Shafts Rab
Bearings Goodrich
Generator engines Detroit Diesel
Engine controls Wabco
Steering system Sperry
Pumps Marlow
Fire-fighting system Halon
Sanitation system Red Fox
Radars (2) Furuno
Shortwave receiver Panasonic
SSB radio Hull
VHF radios (2) Apelco
Loran C Furun
Depth sounder Datamarine
Loudhailer Raytheon
Satnav system Okeanos
Windlass & winch Markey
Coatings Ameron
(continued on page 28)
Circle 109 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
Digital Wave Publishing