Now haul
in those
big ones
days of
and that's no fish story!
Address _
Business phone
P.O. Box 2068
Dept. D
Aston, PA 19014
Call toll-free:
1-800-TRI I I.MX
TELEX: 845-261
Gator-Laid™ cable-laid wire-
rope slings are the best big slings
in the world made right here in
the United States, so we can rush
them to your on-shore or Gulf site
months ahead of our overseas
competitors. Why waste three,
even four months waiting for your
big sling to arrive from Europe,
when you can have an
even better one — at a
competitive price — within
just a few days?
But you want more
than just fast delivery and
low price. So Gator-Laid™
bodies are also more
flexible, to assure you of
easier handling. As a matter of fact,
their loops are the most compact
ever developed in a large lift sling,
and they develop a 1/1 D to d body
pin ratio. They can be made in
shorter lengths too, and since each
specified length is identical, their
length tolerance is an unbeatable 0"
Finally, as you can see for
yourself, Gator-Laid™ slings are
neater in appearance, which also
makes them easier to store, ship
and maintain.
So don't let this big one get
away from you. For dealer nearest
you, call toll-free 1-800-TRI-FLEX.
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January 1, 1984 Circle 136 on Reader Service Card 119
Digital Wave Publishing