Air Ride Express
(continued from page 18)
president Donald E. Burg, allows
surface effect technology to be uti-
lized at lower construction and
maintenance costs.
During sea trials the new ves-
sel, which has a dry weight of
60,000 pounds, operated at 30 knots
with a payload of 25,000 pounds
including fuel. With a payload of
35,000 pounds, the boat ran at 27
knots. It has operated in following
and cross seas up to 10 feet and in
head seas of 5 feet at speeds in the
25-knot range with good passen-
ger comfort. It has a capacity for
32 passengers and a two-man crew
in air conditioned or heated ac-
commodations. The cargo deck aft
has an area of more than 400
square feet.
Key Power, Inc. of Miami sup-
plied the engines, which include
two GM Detroit Diesel 12V71TI
diesels for main propulsion and a
GM Detroit Diesel 6V53T engine
to power the blower system. The
main engines turn 34- by 44-inch
Columbian propellers through Twin
Disc 514 reduction gears having a
ratio of 2.5:1. Fuel consumption is
about 50 gallons per hour, giving
the boat a normal operating range
of 750 miles.
The Air Ride Express is the cul-
mination of a three-year research
and development effort conducted
mm. • m
by Air Ride Marine. The Miami
company is currently working on
the detailed design for a 50-knot,
shallow-draft patrol boat; a 110-
foot crew/supply vessel, and a 120-
passenger ferry.
Major Suppliers
Main engines (2) GM Detroit
Lift engine GM Detroit
Reduction gears (2) Twin Disc
Propellers (2) Columbian
Generators Kato
Generator engines Perkins
Engine controls Morse
Steering system Hynautic
Fuel filters Racor
Radar Furuno
Loran C Si-Tex/Koden
SSB radio Raytheo
VHF radio Motorola
Depth sounder Datamarine
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Nuclear submarine equi
with Maxim desalinat
General Dynamics Photo
Iowa Marine Shipyard
Iowa Marine Shipyard of Keo-
kuk, Iowa, has delivered the tow-
boat Blanche V to Gibbons Marine
of Beardstown, 111. She is an IM-60
Class vessel with an overall length
of 60 feet, beam of 24 feet, depth of
8 feet and draft of 6 feet. Propul-
sion is by twin Cummins KTA-
1150-M diesel engines with a total
output of 940 bhp at 1,800 rpm.
These drive 64- by 50-inch Kah-
lenberg stainless steel propellers
through Twin Disc MG-518 reduc-
tion gears with a 6:1 ratio.
Generators are 30-kw Lima-Mac
driven by John Deere 4219 diesels.
Iowa Marine president Tom Ed-
wards says, "One of the things we
have always attempted to do is
provide equipment that is easily
serviceable, and this John Deere
engine is an old-line, widely used
engine. Parts and service are
available in just about every town
where there is a John Deere
Steering is an Iowa Marine de-
sign, mechanical over hydraulic,
full follow-up with each main en-
gine driving a hydraulic gear pump.
There are two steering and four
flanking rudders, which give the
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