Justin T. Rogers
A portfolio of the most
important offshore and
shallow draft vessels
constructed during 1983 ...
selected because of unusual
and superior characteristics
of design, purpose or
Hitachi Zosen
The semi-submersible offshore
drilling rig Actinia was delivered
in 1983 to Actinia Shipping Cor-
poration by the Ariake yard of Hi-
tachi Zosen. The rig is Hitachi's
SS-4000 type, based on an original
design of Friede and Goldman of
New Orleans. The unit is 270 feet
long, 200 feet wide, 116 feet high,
and has a variable deck load of
3,200 metric tons.
The Actinia is capable of oper-
ating in water up to 1,500 feet
deep and of drilling to a maximum
depth of 25,000 feet. It is designed
to withstand waves up to 100 feet
high and winds of up to 100 knots.
An 8-point mooring system keeps
the rig in position during drilling;
four thrusters provide back-up
during adverse weather condi-
tions. The rig complies fully with
the rules and regulations for oper-
ation in the U.K. sector of the
North Sea.
Atlantic & Gulf
Boat Building
Built under subcontract from
Air Ride Marine, Inc. of Miami by
Atlantic & Gulf Boat Building,
Inc. of Port Everglades, Fla., the
65-foot crew/supply boat Air Ride
Express entered service in mid-
1983. The new vessel, which is
owned by South Florida Offshore
Services, Ltd. and operated out of
Mobile to the offshore oil industry
by Gulf Crew Transport of Pensa-
cola, Fla., is a surface effect ship
(SES) built to the proprietary Air
Ride design that features a shal-
low pressurized air chamber under
the hull.
Unlike other SES craft, the Air
Ride Express has a rigid intercon-
nected structure and requires no
flexible seals. Above the waterline
it looks similar to a conventional
boat. The Air Ride design, which
was developed by Air Ride Marine
(continued on page 20)
18 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
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