The MIV VALIANT, a deep-notch tug operating with the barge BULKFLEET PENNSYLVANIA,
is powered by two Krupp MaK 6MU 551 AK 6-cylinder heavy fuel engines.
"When we designed the tug
M/V VALIANT, and her sister-
ship M/V VICTORY as deep-
notch vessels to work in
combination with the barges
took a close look at the fuel sit-
uation for the future," says
Barry Snyder, Presi-
dent of Bulkfleet
"It didn't
take a crystal
ball to see that
No. 2 diesel was
going to get
more expensive,
and tougher to
find, in the not so
distant future.
That's why we
specified heavy-fuel
"Each tug is powered by
two Krupp MaK 6MU 551 AK
6-cylinder engines, rated at
4,000 BHP at 420 RPM," he con-
tinues. We mix 15% No. 2 die-
sel with 85% bunker C to yield
fuel of 1500 seconds Redwood
1 at 100°F, or 180 centistokes
at 122°F.
"The MaK 551 engines are
designed to be able to operate
with a maximum fuel viscosity
of 380 cSt, sulfur up to 4.3%,
vanadium up to 400 ppm,
alumina/silica up to 30 ppm
At the 10,000 hour inspection the cylinders
showed virtually zero wear, the rings were
clean and free. Lubrication in these engines
is provided by Gulf Marine engine oils.
and sodium
up to 40 ppm. All
that's basically an
involved way of saying
these engines can save us
a lot of money on fuel."
James R. Colman, Bulk-
fleet's Engineering head
supervised the recent engine
inspection and says, "The se-
cret to burning this low grade
fuel is the right oil to protect
the engines. You don't save
any money if you're eating up
engines. We get the protection
we need from Gulf Marine
engine oil. The results of our
10,000 hour inspection of the
VALIANT'S engines prove it.
Between the two engines,
we looked into eight cylinder
heads and piston assemblies.
The piston skirts were clean
and smooth with zero wear.
Cylinder liner wear was mea-
sured at 'nil' except for two
liners which indicated one-
tenth of a millimeter wear,
well within acceptable bound-
aries. The piston rings were
clean and free; maximum ring
wear was two-tenths of a mil-
limeter. We opened four main
bearings and found them in
excellent condition. That's a
remarkable inspection for
engines running this kind of
fuel, and I think it's directly
to the Gulf
"In fact,"
Colman con-
cludes, "Gulf
provides a com-
plete range of
lubricants for
these vessels.
And we get pro-
tection from
every product,
that makes for
efficient opera-
tion. I'm con-
vinced, these heavy fuel
engines are the way to save
money in bulk transport, and
Gulf lubricants are the way to
save these engines."
Ask your Gulf pro how
Gulftow'oils and other Gulf
lubricants can help protect
your investment. Or write,
Gulf Oil Corporation, P.O. Box
1563, Houston, Texas 77251.
Everything we do makes
business better for you.
Bearing wear was minimal. Inspection
of four main bearings showed them in
excellent condition.
Gulf Oil Corporation Visit Gulf in Booth 425/426 at the New Orleans Work Boat Show. Circle 114 on Reader Service Card
Digital Wave Publishing