You're a blip on Her Majesty's radar long before you
raise the coastline. But once you do, Liver House is
unmistakable on the distant skyline.
You pass Wallasey and head upriver. And soon,
you can read the clocks with the famous mythical
Liver Birds perched atop them.
The Royal Liver Building. Without its reassuring
Victorian bulk, the Merseyside pierhead scene just
wouldn't be complete.
Liverpool. Still another port where you'll find pre-
mium Gulf marine lubricants like Gulf Veritas AC30.
This is an alkaline-type detergent lubricating oil,
for use in the crankcase systems of slow-speed two-
stroke crosshead diesel engines where an oil of this
type is required for optimum engine performance.
Gulf Veritas AC30 effectively neutralizes the acidic
products of combustion, reduces piston-cooling
space and engine deposits, increases load-carrying
ability. And it has excellent oxidation stability with
long crankcase oil life.
All of Gulfs marine products give you maximum
quality, performance and bottom-line economy.
They're available, backed by a complete and com-
prehensive service capability, at ports of call
throughout the world. For specifics, please contact
your local Gulf representative.
Gulf Trading and Transportation Company
A Division of Gulf Oil Corporation
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