Do your ships qualify
for MARAD'S NDF Communications Program?
Then Nav-Com's
NDF Package
is the solution
for your fleet.
Nav-Com has worked with Magnavox
and Harris— the top manufacturers in
their fields— to bring you the most
complete and highest quality NDF
package available. Couple this with Nav-
Com's professional Engineering,
Installation, Training, and Support
Service and you have the ideal
solution...efficient, dependable and
economical qualification for the NDF
Nav-Com's professional staff is ready to
assist you with a technical proforma for
use in preparation of your NDF
We want you to have the best— at
minimum cost to you. Call (516) 667-7710
and let us tell you the rest of the story.
The Magnavox MX-Series of Communication and
Navigation equipment are world renowned for their
performance and reliability on thousands ol sea going
vessels of all flags As a pioneer in the development of
Satellite Navigation and Communication systems for the US
Government, the same technology and experience has been
applied to the commercial marine products. High reliability
coupled with a factory tiained world-wide support network
assures the shipowner ol a low cost of ownership
The Harris HF Communication package represents a totally
integrated SSB/ARQ radio teletype system from a single
manufacturer Capabilities include voice. CW, error
correction radio teletype, and a scanning digital selective
calling feature. The system is in full compliance with the
MARAD NDF requirements.
The Nav-Com
NDF Package
* Full and complete compliance with
MARAD specifications.
* Lowest cost of ownership
* Proven reliability from the Industry's top
manufacturers —
* Engineered Installation Survey Plan for
your approval.
* Computerized Electromagnetic
Co mpatability Analysis to assure
minimum RFI.
* Professional Installation for future
trouble-free operation.
* Complete system test and checkout.
* Thorough Operator Training Program.
* Computerized H.F. Propagation Study of
your major routes.
* Complete Installation Documentation.
* Nav-Com's continuing support program
NAV-COM Incorporated
9 Brandywine Drive,
Deer Park, New York, 11729
Telephone: (516) 667-7710
Telex: 645744 NAVCOM NY DEER
November 15, 1981 Write 134 on Reader Service Card 5
Digital Wave Publishing