ASTM/SNAME Shipbuilding
Standards Dec. 7-9
Sponsored by The Society of Naval Ar-
chitects and Marine Engineers, Panel
Sp-6 and ASTM Committee F-25.
Hyatt Regency Hotel, Houston, Texas.
Contact Sam Wolkow, Bath Iron Works
Corp., 700 Washington St., Bath, Maine
04530; (207) 443-3311.
World Oil and Gas
Show Conference Dec. 14-17
Arranged and organized by Martin C.
Dwyer International, Ltd.
Convention Center, Dallas, Texas. Con-
tact Martin C. Dwyer Int'l Ltd., 400
N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. 60611.
37th SPI RP/C
Conference and Products
Showcase '82 Jan. 11-15
Sponsored by the SPI Reinforced
Plastics/Composites Institute and The
Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc.
Sheraton-Washington, D.C. Contact
RP/C Conference Administration, The
Society of the Plastics Industry, 355
Lexington Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017.
Europipe '82 International
Conference Jan. 19-22
Sponsored by Access Exhibitions Ltd.
and Technische Messen & Ausstellungen
Schweizer Mustermesse exhibition-con-
gress centre, Basle, Switzerland. Con-
tact: Access Exhibitions Ltd., 62 Vic-
toria St., St. Albans, England AL1
3XT; tel. 0727 63213.
International Diving
Symposium '82 Feb. 1-3
Sponsored by the Association of Diving
Hyatt Regency, New Orleans, La. Con-
tact: David Neeb, Assoc. of Diving
Contractors, 1799 Stumpf Blvd., Build-
ing 7, Suite 4, Gretna, La. 70053. Tel.
(504) 362-0074.
Offshore South East Asia
Conference and
Exhibition Feb. 9-12
Sponsored by Society of Petroleum En-
gineers, South East Asia Petroleum
Exploration Society, and Society of
Naval Architects of Singapore.
World Trade Center, Singapore. Con-
tact: Society of Petroleum Engineers,
6200 North Central Expressway, Dal-
las, Texas 75206; tel. (214) 361-6604,
telex 24591 Montex G.
Oceanexpo Middle East Feb. 15-18
Organized by Technoexpo.
Bahrain Exhibition Centre, Bahrain.
Contact: Technoexpo S.A., 8 rue la
Michodiere, 75002, Paris, France; tel.
(1) 742, 36, 70, telex 210550 Systele
Paris Ext. 135 E.
« International 82 Feb. 28-Mar. 5
Organized by BPS Exhibitions Ltd.
Metropole exhibition hall. Brighton,
England. Contact: BPS Exhibitions
Ltd., 18 Marine Parade, Brighton,
Sussex; tel. Brighton (0273) 698281,
telex 877779 Beepex G.
34th Annual CSSRA
Technical Conference March 1-2
Sponsored by the Canadian Shipbuild-
ing and Ship Repairing Association.
Hyatt Regency Hotel, Montreal, Que-
bec, Canada. Contact Mrs. Joy Mac-
Pherson, Secretary/Treasurer, L'Asso-
ciation des Chantiers Maritimes Ca-
nadiens, Ste 801, 100 Sparks Street,
Ottawa, Ontario, KIP5B7, Canada;
(613) 232-7127, telex 053-4848.
National Maritime Show March 9-11
Organized by Industrial Presentations,
Baltimore Convention Center, Balti-
more, Md. Contact Chairman, The Na-
tional Maritime Show, 6006 Bellaire
Blvd., Suite 100, Houston, Texas 77081;
(713) 666-5188, telex 910-881-5777.
Water Freight 80s March 25-30
Sponsored by the Inland Waterways
Transport Association and the Na-
tional Waterways Transport Associa-
Limehouse Basin, London, England.
Contact Richard Bird, 184 Petts Wood
Rd., Orpington, Kent; tel. 01-609-5745.
Naval Technology
Expo '82 March 30-April 1
Organized by Cahners Exposition
Eurohal, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Contact Edward A. Troogstad, Cahners
Exposition Group, 222 W. Adams St.,
Chicago, 111. 60606; (312) 263-4866,
telex 256148.
New Career Opportunities In
Seattle, Washington
Why Washington?
Washington State has over seven
national forests, two major mountain
ranges and a seemingly endless
assortment of lakes, rivers and
beaches. Our state is a prime area
for uncrowded skiing, hiking, fishing
and other outdoor activities. The mild
climate makes many of these
activities practical on a year
round basis.
Why Seattle?
Seattle offers a blend of business,
culture and sports activities. One of
America's "most livable cities," Seattle
is located between the Olympic and
Cascade Mountains. It offers water
sports, over 400 parks, three large
lakes, theaters, restaurants, excellent
schools, "old fashioned" real estate
values and eight professional
sports teams.
Why Lockheed?
Lockheed Shipbuilding is small
enough to provide a working
environment of informality, personal
contact and supportive co-workers
The accent lies on responsive
management which prides itself upon
respecting the value and importance
of each employee Lockheed holds a
contract from the U.S. Navy to
build the first of a new class of
amphibious assault ships. We
anticipate that contracts for
additional ships of this class will
assure a high level of employment by
the company through the 1980's
Lockheed is your opportunity to work
with a true working team where your
skills are recognized and the work is
General Machinery
Systems Engineers
Information Systems Analyst
Naval Architects
I.L.S. Personnel
Quality Assurance Engineers
Ships Managers
General Superintendent Piping
Engineers and Designers
Systems Piping Weight
Structural Composite
Electrical Mechanical
The above positions require
marine experience.
Excellent fringe benefits include
company paid medical, dental, life
insurance and retirement plans,
holiday and vacation benefits and
savings plan
For immediate consideration, send
your resume or letter with salary
history to Personnel Department,
2929 16th Ave. SW, Seattle,
WA 98134. (206) 292-5604.
An equal opportunity employer m/f/h.
Shipbuilding and Construction Company
"Superior Ships by Superior Craftsmen"
44 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
Digital Wave Publishing