. repairs in a strategic location...
Tracor Marine Shipyard is ready.
Marine is convenient to the
Florida Ports of Call for Atlan-
tic, Gulf and Caribbean traffic with
complete shipyard facilities and craft
support. Utilizing a Syncrolift with
transfer capability and three floating
drydocks, ship alterations, modifica-
tions and repairs are handled with
computer scheduling and billing. Lo-
cated in a sub-tropical climate, fast,
efficient, around-the-clock service
helps to keep your fleet at sea. And,
should an emergency develop,
Tracor's skilled mobile team will
come to you.
New engineering techniques are con-
tinually being developed by our sister
Ocean Technology Division. These
concepts may be incorporated into
the modernization of your vessels.
While in port, our strategic location
allows easy access to hotels, airports
and international banking. For more
information, contact Tracor Marine,
Inc., Shipyard Division, P.O. Box
13107, Port Everglades Station, Fort
Lauderdale, Florida 33316. (305)
463-1211, TWX 510-955-9864.
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