Westinghouse Awarded
$24.8-Million Component
Contract Modification
Westinghouse Electric Corpo-
ration, Plant Apparatus Division,
Wilkins Township, Pa., has been
awarded a $24,804,000 modifica-
tion to a previously awarded cost
plus fixed fee contract for naval
nuclear propulsion components.
Work will be performed at vari-
ous locations. The Naval Sea Sys-
tems Command is the contracting
activity. (N00024-72-C-5513)
Ohio River Officials Meet
With Representatives Of
Finnish Coal Interests
Executives of The Ohio River
Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, the
nation's largest barge mover of
coal, met recently with 23 Fin-
nish businessmen at ORCO's
headquarters to discuss the ship-
ment of U.S. coal to Finland.
Butterworth To Exhibit
At Marintec China '81
Marintec China '81 will take
place in Shanghai, People's Re-
public of China, from December
10 through December 16. Butter-
worth Systems has announced it
will be present with several ma-
jor pieces of equipment on dis-
play, including the SFC 5 BW
Oil/Water Separator, which pro-
vides "clean" water with less than
one part per million of oil, and
the P-60, MP, K and SK tank
cleaning machines.
Not on display, but represented
graphically, will be the SCAMP®
Underwater Hull Cleaning ma-
chine, and the Marine LIQUA-
BLASTER® High Pressure water
jetting equipment. Literature will
be available in Mandarin Chinese.
Butterworth Systems equip-
ment will be displayed at the
British Joint Venture booth.
For more information, contact
Butterworth Systems (UK) Ltd.,
123 Beddington Lane, Croydon,
CR9 4NX, England. Telephone
01-684-4049; telex 946524. Or
Butterworth Systems Inc., 224
Park Avenue, Box 352, Florham
Park, N.J. 07932. Telephone (201)
765-1546; telex 136434.
Kockumation goes coast-to-coast
in a big way.
John D. Geary (left), president of the
Cincinnati-based Midland Affiliated Co.,
discusses America's inland waterways
system with Kauko Relander, executive
director of FinnCoal, a new company
established by Finland's industrial coal
users to supply Finnish industry with
imported coal.
The group, which includes rep-
resentatives of Finnish electric
utility companies and other in-
dustries, was brought to Cincin-
nati by Gates Engineering of
Beckley, W. Va. Gates is a con-
sulting firm retained by the Finns
to coordinate efforts in securing
a U.S. coal trade agreement.
Growth in future U.S. coal pro-
duction will partially hinge on the
industry's success in marketing
coal to foreign countries such as
Earle Faig, Ohio River Compa-
ny vice president-sales, presented
a proposal that includes barging
either Appalachian or southern
Illinois coal to the Gulf of Mex-
ico via the inland waterway sys-
tem. Transporting the coal from
the fields to ports serving the
Atlantic shipping lanes is a key
element in the U.S.-Finland dis-
cussions, and Mr. Faig explained
that ORCO's proposal provides
one of the most cost-effective and
dependable methods of transport-
ing coal.
Founded in 1925, The Ohio Riv-
er Company is one of eight ma-
rine-related subsidiaries of the
Midland Affiliated Company and
is the largest barging company in
the U.S. ORCO operates more
than 1,500 barges and 74 boats
along the inland waterway sys-
Yes, please!
Send me detailed information on:
• Load master
• Levelmaster
• Steermaster
• Signalling equipment
Kockumation AB,
Marketing Department, Box 1044,
S-21210 Malmo, Sweden.
Telex: 32740 kockua s MR
711 Grand Boulevard, Deer Park,
New York 11729
(516) 667-7710
Pier 32, San Francisco, California 94105
(415) 957-1300
1131 Lafayette Street, Gretna,
Louisiana 70053
(504) 361-5130
A comprehensive range of advanced
cargo calculators that includes the fast,
compact V40 and the D50, which
handles any types of cargo calculations.
Loadmaster, Levelmaster, Steermaster and Tyfon <
Levelmaster systems provide continu-
ous, reliable readouts of ullage, volume
and weight for all types of liquid cargo.
Levelmaster allows for selection of
the optimal sensor for any type of liquid.
Together with a Loadmaster unit,
Levelmaster can be used for prediction
and simulation of various cargo loading
For accurate, continuous control on a
straight course or through a turn. Mini-
mizes fuel consumption and ensures
precise steering through turns.
The famous Tyfon line includes the
Supertyfon and the Tyfon compressed-
air whistle, both available in a number of
versions. Electro-Tyfon piston horns are
available in accordance with IMCO re-
gulations for ships of 75-200 meters or
more than 200 meters in length,
e registered trade marks of Kockumation.
Three new agents. Nav-Com, Collins and
Maricon. In New York, San Francisco
and New Orleans.
You're undoubtedly acquainted
with them already. And our new agents
take us three giant steps closer to our
customers on the East, West and Gulf
Coasts. You have easy access to
Kockumation products like Loadmaster,
Levelmaster, Steermaster and Tyfon.
And you can see them demonstrated at
your convenience.
Working together with Nav-Com,
Collins and Maricon also means that
our customers can count on service
within a matter of hours. And installation
of new equipment can be arranged to fit
in with your schedules.
If you operate on the East Coast or
the Great Lakes, get in touch with Nav-
Com Inc. in New York. On the West
Coast, the Collins Marine Corp. will
solve your problems. On the Gulf Coast,
Maricon is the name to remember.
Kockumation agents, coast-to-
coast. At your service.
President of
Maricon Instruments.
& Sales Manager of
November 15, 1981 Write 134 on Reader Service Card 25
Digital Wave Publishing