Japan, the Irish Sea, English
Channel, and the Canary Islands.
Boeing Marine Systems has also
delivered the first of five larger
patrol hydrofoil missileships
(PHMs) to the U.S. Navy. The
PHMs are equipped with Harpoon
missiles and a rapid-fire 76-mm
cannon which, in combination
with the speed, agility, and rough
water performance of the ship,
provide exceptional effectiveness
in strike, patrol and surveillance
missions. Designed for all-weath-
er operations, PHM's fully sub-
merged foil system permits the
ship to operate in heavy seas
with stability normally available
only in much larger ships.
Northern Radio Announces
New HF/SSB Transceiver-
Literature Available
Northern Radio announces the
recent introduction of the Model
N-860 Scanning, synthesized HF/
SSB transceiver.
The new Model N-860, FCC type
accepted, is said to be the first
Scanning HF/SSB transceiver to
be made available to the U.S.
market. It features 200 field pro-
grammable and selectable sim-
plex/duplex channels, of which
any number may be selected for
This is in addition to North-
ern's other standard features:
130,000 synthesized frequencies
from 1.6 to 18 MHz—all of which
(simplex or semi-duplex) are eas-
ily selectable by means of front
panel thumbwheel switches; mi-
croprocessor controlled; all ITU-
designated frequencies to 18 MHz
stored in permanent memory for
simple recall; 150 watts PEP;
speech processor that transmits
a whisper at full rated power;
automatic syllabic squelch; and
much, much more.
For further information and
free literature on Model N-860,
Write 74 on Reader Service Card
Mobile Workover Unit
Houtech II Christened At
Beth Steel's Beaumont Yard
Houtech Energy Inc. of Hous-
ton, and Bethlehem Steel Corpo-
ration's Beaumont shipyard re-
cently commissioned a 73-foot wa-
ter depth mobile offshore work-
over unit.
The rig was christened Hou-
tech II by its sponsor, Mrs. Rich-
ard M. Kleberg III, wife of the
managing director of SFD Invest-
ments. It is the second mobile
workover rig to be built by the
Beaumont yard for Houtech.
Houtech II is a mat-supported
jackup designed primarily for off-
shore workover operations. It
features a self-contained propul-
sion system plus a cantilevered
substructure. The latter offers the
capability of being able to posi-
tion the rotary table over exist-
ing offshore production platforms.
On location, the rig has a total
variable load capacity of 400,000
pounds, which includes a maxi-
mum hook or rotary plus set-
back loading of 295,000 pounds.
The rig has a maximum canti-
lever reach of 25 feet with a sub-
structure load capacity of 245,000
pounds at the rig centerline.
The commissioning of this
multimillion-dollar rig concludes
nearly nine months of construc-
tion and outfitting in the Beau-
mont yard. The rig is scheduled
to operate in the Gulf of Mexico
for AMOCO Production Company.
Houtech II was designed and
built to the Rules of the Ameri-
can Bureau of Shipping for the
construction of mobile offshore
drilling units. The rig consists of
a platform measuring 115 feet by
74 feet supported by three 4.5-
foot-diameter columns fixed to a
steel barge-like mat that is 110
feet by 84 feet.
While in 73-foot water depths,
the rig can withstand 70-knot
winds and 26-foot seas. During
hurricane season and while lo-
cated in waters of up to 50 feet,
the Houtech II can withstand
100-knot winds and 30-foot seas.
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Corporation, 7820 Arlington
Expressway, Suite 130, Jacksonville,
Florida 32211.
i*: -Ji} i >;:
The People Company
You Can Trust r
November 15, 1981 Write 134 on Reader Service Card 21
Digital Wave Publishing