Kockums To Build Four
Ro/Ro's For Saudi Arabia
In $240-Million Order
Four ro/ro ships of 38,500 dwt
each — the largest in the world
to date — will be built by Swe-
den's Kockums shipyard, Malmo,
for the National Shipping Com-
pany of Saudi Arabia under a
$240,000,000 order.
The vessels, which will be used
for shipping vehicles and trailers
between the U.S. and Saudi Ara-
bia, can take 2,000 containers.
They will be powered by Gota-
verken-built engines. Delivery of
the first unit will take place in
the first quarter of 1983.
Kockums, a major builder of
supertankers during the early
1970s, was acquired by the state-
owned Swedyards group in 1978.
The shipyard also specializes in
building liquefied-gas tankers.
Publish New Brochure On
End Entry Ball Valves
From Zidell Explorations
A fact-filled six-page brochure
detailing the design features of
the company's line of class 150
and class 300 end entry ball
valves, reduced bore, was pub-
lished recently by the Valve Di-
vision of Zidell Explorations, Inc.,
Portland, Ore.
Sat Nav
i l.j i i _j. i
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O C C .J I.J _i u- -I u ~ n iii i I.J i C J U U »_ U I
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Where in the world will you find
a Sat Nav with this performance,
price and quality?
Only at Racal-Decca. Becausethe new Racal-Decca
DS4 brings you new standards of performance—including
several unique features-all at a surprisingly low price.
Uniquefeatures like the ability to call upthe next 100
satellite passes for voyage planning, course plotting
information between any twodistant way points, and
enhanced accuracy due to auto-geoidal height correction.
Compact and simple to operate, the DS4 is controlled
by a powerful microprocessor
and provides
Racal-Decca Marine Inc
4200 23rd Avenue West. Seattle. Washington 98199.
Tel: (206)285-3992.
all the global position-fixing facilities required by the
professional mariner, and an outstanding satellite
acquisition performance.
Lat/long, time, date, speed and heading are all
continuously shown on a new high-clarity display. And you
can call up a wide range of additional navigational data at the
touch of a button.
The DS4 meets the stringent environmental
requirements of the British Government's MPT 1204
specification-like the Mk. 21 Navigator Receiver—and
carries with it Racal-Decca's reputation for quality, reliability
and world-wide service.
There's much more to tell you, so return the coupon or
contact your local Racal-Decca agent or depot today. r
Please send mefulldetailsoftheDS4 Sat Nav receiver. 1
Racal-Decca Marine Inc. 4200 23rd Avenue West,
Seattle. Washington 98199. Tel: (206) 285-3992. MR 15/11 'J
In addition to a photograph of
a typical valve, the brochure con-
tains a table of dimensions for
both the class 150 and class 300
valves. In addition there are
charts of break-away torque and
flow characteristics, and a graph
illustrating pressure temperature
Product data for both carbon
and stainless-steel valves are in
the brochure, along with dia-
grams of the valves identified by
part call-outs referenced in a ta-
ble of material specifications. The
brochure is a handy reference
For a free copy of the brochure,
Write 70 on Reader Service Card
Award $6-Million Turbine
Contract Modification
To Solar Turbines
Solar Turbines Incorporated,
San Diego, Calif., has been award-
ed a $6,379,779 modified cost plus
award fee contract for develop-
ment of a gas turbine waste heat
recovery system for use as a
high-efficiency cruise propulsion
plant on nonnuclear combatants.
Work will be performed in San
Diego. The Naval Sea Systems
Command is the contracting ac-
tivity. (N000-24-81-C-5340)
Appoint David Daniels
National Sales Manager
At M&T Chemicals
David A. Daniels
David A. Daniels has been ap-
pointed national sales manager
for chemicals by M&T Chemicals
Inc., Woodbridge, N.J. He will be
responsible for all sales activities
for the Plastic Additives, Indus-
trial Chemicals and the Bio &
Fine Chemicals Divisions.
Mr. Daniels joined M&T in 1970
as a research chemist in process
development. He has served the
company in several research posts
and in 1976 was appointed sales
engineer for the Chemical Divi-
sion. In 1978 he was named ac-
count manager for the Eastern
sales district. In 1980 he was ap-
pointed central district sales man-
M&T Chemicals Inc., with gen-
eral offices in Rahway, N.J., is a
leading manufacturer of specialty
chemicals based on tin, antimony,
phosphorous, sulfur, and zircon-
ium ; electroplating chemicals and
processes; and formulated plastic
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