SACM Publishes Brochure
On Marine Diesel Engines
—Copies Available
A 12-page full color brochure
detailing the range of the com-
pany's marine diesel engines has
been published by SACM of Mul-
house, France. The company is
represented in the U.S. by F.W.
Donnelly Company of Houston,
SACM manufactures a range
of diesel engines from 400hp
through 8,000hp which are well
regarded for their high perform-
ance, lightweight engine range,
and for their medium speed en-
gine range capable of burning
heavy fuels.
The introduction of SACM en-
gines to the U.S. was made re-
cently with the sale by the Don-
nelly company of eight SACM
175 V12 RVR engines to Com-
mand Marine for use in a series
of four surface effect ships being
built by Halter Marine.
The brochure contains photo-
graphs and specifications of the
full range of engines; a brief his-
tory highlighting the technical
accomplishments of the 155-year-
old company; a description of en-
gine applications; and the serv-
ices provided by SACM and its
subsidiaries for diesel engines
used for main propulsion, pump-
ing units, and generating sets.
For more information and a
free copy of the brochure,
Write 65 on Reader Service Card
Approve Application For
$22 Million Title XI
For Towboat, 68 Barges
The Maritime Administration
has approved in principle an ap-
plication by Wisconsin Barge
Lines, Inc., Sunset Hills, Mo., for
a Title XI guarantee to aid in
financing the construction of one
towboat and 68 barges.
American Bridge, Ambridge,
Pa., delivered 15 rake barges ear-
lier this year and Dravo Corp.,
Pittsburgh, Pa., delivered 25 box
barges. St. Louis Ship, St. Louis,
Mo., is scheduled to deliver 28
barges and the towboat by early
1982. Included are 53 box barges
and 15 rake barges.
The towboat will have a length
overall of 168 feet, a molded beam
of 40 feet, and main machinery
is rated at 1,900 hp.
Of the actual estimated cost of
$26,003,737, the Title XI guaran-
tee covers $22,119,000 (75 per-
cent of the estimated actual cost
of the towboat and 87% percent
of the estimated cost of the
Literature Available From
Marland On Inverto®
Oil/Water Separator
Progressive Presents
Bob Daniels, vice president,
Marland Environmental Systems,
Walworth, Wis., has announced
that a new product bulletin on
the firm's improved design of the
Inverto®, oil/water separator is
The Inverto bulletin describes
the principles of operation and
illustrates the flow pattern of the
oil water through the basic unit,
which is available in six basic ca-
pacities—1.0-1.5, 2.0-2.5, and 4.0-
5.0 tons/hour.
Complete specifications, includ-
ing dimensions, weight and elec-
trical requirements are included.
The Inverto is the result of
years of research and develop-
ment into the simplest, efficient
and most cost effective method of
separating oil from water for both
bilge and ballast, with no replac-
able filters and no use of con-
For a free copy of the new Mar-
land Inverto product bulletin,
Write 73 on Reader Service Card
Write 501 on Reader Service Card
P.O. Box 9130/Houma, Louisiana 70361
Telephone: 504/876-2143
Telex: 784043
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Digital Wave Publishing