Roy Sea Appointed
Marketing Manager
At Tracor Marine
Roy Sea
Tracor Marine of Fort Lauder-
dale, Fla., has appointed Roy Sea
as marketing manager for the
company's Ocean Technology Di-
vision. Prior to joining Tracor
Marine in 1980, Mr. Sea was em-
ployed by the Director of Ocean
Engineering of the Naval Sea
Systems Command in Washing-
ton, D.C., in various engineering
and management capacities over
an 11-year period.
Based in Fort Lauderdale, Mr.
Sea reports to Ocean Technology
Division director Edward Claus-
ner, and is responsible for the
marketing of the company's ocean
engineering/marine services and
equipment. Tracor Marine is a
wholly owned subsidiary of Trac-
or, Inc. of Austin, Texas, and op-
erates field offices in Norfolk, Va.,
and St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands.
Awarded $3-Million For
Hull Cleaning System
Wheelabrator-Frye Incorpo-
rated, Mishawaka, Ind., has been
awarded a $3,473,500 firm-fixed
price contract to furnish one
closed cycle submarine hull clean-
ing system as a result of nego-
tiation under N00600-81-R-0226,
following competition in which
seven bids were solicited and
three were received. The Naval
Regional Contracting Office is the
contracting activity. (N00600-82-
Top Executive Changes
Announced By Marco
Marco Seattle has named Bob
McMahon to the position of vice
president and general manager of
its shipyard division. The an-
nouncement was made recently
by Marco president Peter G.
Schmidt, who noted that the
move was part of a program to
bring greater autonomy to the
shipyard division in relation to
the company's other divisions.
Mr. McMahon is a nine-year
veteran with the Seattle ship-
builder, fishing systems, and in-
dustrial products manufacturer,
where he was most recently ship-
yard production manager. Mr.
McMahon spent six years in the
U.S. Navy's nuclear submarine
fleet prior to joining Marco in
Mr. Schmidt also announced
that Robert F. Allen, Marco's ex-
ecutive vice president, has been
assigned to San Diego as the ex-
ecutive vice president and general
manager of Campbell Industries.
Acquired by Marco in 1979, Camp-
bell is one of the world's leading
builders of tuna superseiners.
The company operates a 35-acre
shipyard with approximately 800
Mr. Allen has held many posi-
tions in his 23 years with Marco,
most recently as vice president in
charge of the company's shipyard
and pollution control division.
Along with Mr. Allen's reloca-
tion, Mr. Schmidt announced that
Marco vice president D. William
Lerch has been named manager
of the pollution control division,
the world's leading builder of oil-
skimming vessels. Mr. Lerch has
held a variety of positions over
a 22-year span in engineering
and pollution control with Marco.
These have included the posts of
chief engineer and general man-
ager of a company-operated ship-
yard in Chile.
He's ci good reason to get'blasted'in Savannah.
When Leon Martin sandblasts
your ship he gets dynamite results.
Leon is a Leaderman in our
Drydock Department. Which
means he has two great
He's experienced (27 years at
Savannah). And can be rougher
than blasting grit about getting
a job done right.
That's the kind of spirit you find
at Savannah. It's why we're
the best yard to do your major
conversions, scheduled
drydocking, and voyage repairs.
Sure, we're also competitively
priced. And blessed with a climate
that lets us run full-bore all year.
But without workers like Leon, our
great prices and weather wouldn't
mean doodly.
If you want a yard that'll really
bust its hump on your job, pick up
the phone and give us a blast.
The Savannah Yard.
Savannah Shipyard Co.
P.O. Box 787
Savannah, Georgia 31402
Tel. (912) 233-6621
74 Trinity Place, Suite 1800
New York, New York 10006
Tel. (212) 432-0350
November 15, 1981 Write 134 on Reader Service Card 13
Digital Wave Publishing