The Cummins powered Mike Schmaeng.
Inland Marine Delivers Towboat
M/V Mike Schmaeng To Pott Industries
The Inland Waterways Divi-
sion of Pott Industries, Inc., St.
Louis, recently christened its new-
est towboat, the M/V Mike
Schmaeng, an 1,800-hp towboat,
built by Inland Marine Construc-
tors, Inc. of Evansville, Ind. The
christening ceremonies were at
The new towboat is named af-
ter G. Michael Schmaeng, port
engineer of Federal Barge Lines,
an operating company of the In-
land Waterways Division of Pott
Industries. The towboat will be
operated by Heartland Transpor-
tation Company, a subsidiary of
United Barge Company, another
operating company of the Inland
Waterways Division.
Opening address and welcome
was given by Roy Ryan, president
of Inland Marine Constructors,
Inc.; tribute was bestowed upon
the vessel by Jack Lynch, presi-
dent of the Inland Waterways
Division of Pott Industries. Ben-
ediction was offered by Reverend
David Kissel, pastor of St. John
The Baptist Church at Newburg,
Ind. Reverend Kissel presented
the ship's bible to Capt. John
Choate. Immediately thereafter,
Mrs. Margaret June Schmaeng,
sponsor and wife of the towboat's
namesake, broke the traditional
bottle of champagne.
The M/V Mike Schmaeng hull
measures 85 feet by 30 feet by
10 feet, with an operating draft
(maximum) of 8 feet 3 inches.
The all-welded steel hull is heavily
framed, longitudinally and trans-
versally. The bottom plate is y2-
inch with bilge knuckles and stern
bottom plating %-inch, side plat-
ing is %-inch, bow corner plating
is %-inch, and headlog plating is
%-inch. A bent plate of y2-inch
plating is provided along both
sides and the stern transom.
There are four fuel oil bunkers
with a total capacity of 30,016
gallons, two potable water stor-
age tanks having a total capac-
ity of 6,556 gallons, one 360-gal-
lon lube oil storage tank, one 590-
o-allon bilge holding tank, one
590 gallon dirty oil holding tank,
and three ballast tanks, having
a total capacity of approximately
10,000 gallons, all built into the
Propulsion power is furnished
by two Cummins KTA-2300M die-
sel engines, each developing 940
hp at 1,800 rpm through a Twin
Disc Model MG540 reverse reduc-
tion gear with a 7 to 1 ratio. The
engines are cooled with clear wa-
ter circulated through Fernstrum
Grid Coolers. The engine and gear
package was supplied by Cum-
mins Missouri.
The engines are started from
the engine room only and are
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controlled by means of Wabco
Logic Master pneumatic control
system, as provided in the pi-
lothouse. The Mike Schmaeng
swings two four-blade Columbian
Bronze stainless-steel propellers,
with 78-inch diameter and a 64-
inch pitch.
The twin Delco 60-kw gener-
ators, driven by GM 4-71s, and
the Con-Select control panel, were
supplied by Western Diesel Com-
pany, St. Louis.
The boat carries a Pan Amer-
ican Systems Corporation 24-
point monitoring system. The
PASC 450 Series modular system
maintains a watch on main jacket
water levels and temperature,
lube oil level and pressure, re-
duction gear lube oil levels, and
generator water and lube oil lev-
els, as well as bilge water level,
fire alarms, and other functions.
The steering system is mechan-
ical-over-hydraulic with full fol-
lowup controls. The boat has two
steering and four flanking rud-
ders. The system is operated by
one of two hydraulic steering
pumps. On deck, in addition to
dual 40-ton Patterson winches,
the Mike Schmaeng is equipped
with Steven-Adams "Car Puller"
Model 12V capstan winches, fore
and aft.
Atop the pilothouse are two
Carlisle and Finch 19-inch carbon
arc searchlights, as well as a
Kahlenburg Model T-2 Triplex
Airhorn. Pilothouse electronics
include two Raytheon 55 VHF
radios, a Dukane loud hailer and
intercom system, an Intech Model
2500 single-sideband, and two
Sperry radars, Model 74 and Mod-
el 3012. The towboat is also
equipped with an Anschuetz
swing indicator and an EPSCO
CVS-888 depth recorder. Pilot-
house eye level is 34 feet.
The pilothouse contains a con-
sole for housing the engine and
steering controls, a double cush-
ioned settee with hidden water
closet under and a combination
water cooler/refrigerator. An
electronics room is provided im-
mediately beneath the pilothouse
and houses the searchlight recti-
fiers and power supplies for the
various electronics equipment.
The Mike Schmaeng sleeps nine
persons, with two double bunk-
rooms, laundry, full head and a
galley, located on the first deck,
and two double bunkrooms, a sin-
gle bunkroom and a full head on
the second deck. All living quar-
ters, galley and bathrooms have
central air-conditioning. The pi-
lothouse is air-conditioned by two
window-type units.
The Mike Schmaeng is equipped
with a bilge/ballast pump, fire
pump, fuel oil transfer pump, two
Quincy Model 325 air compres-
sors, a potable water pressure
set, and hot water tank. A Fast
9M sewage treatment plant treats
the waste matter.
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