Controllable-Pitch Propellers Being Used
To Improve Operation Of Large Ships
R. Norrby*
Controllable-pitch propellers
(CPPs) have been used since the
beginning of this century. Only
small powers and mechanical trans-
mission for the pitch change of the
blades were then involved. The
mechanical pitch-change mechan-
ism could not, however, be used
for higher powers. In the 1930's
propellers were developed with hy-
draulic pitch-changing mechanism.
This principle emanated from the
Kaplan turbine, the development
of which started in 1913.
During World War II, CPPs
were ordered for small minesweep-
ers and then followed among oth-
ers by propellers for the Suecia
and the Los Angeles of the John-
son Line in Sweden in 1944 and
1948. The latter cargo vessel had
a total of 14,000 bhp developed by
two engines.
During the 1940's and 1950's pro-
pellers were also delivered for com-
bined passenger and cargo vessels
on the Norwegian coastal run and
for several car ferries. A number
of ice-breaking tugs also were
equipped with CPPs.
The breakthrough for CPPs on
large vessels took place on the
Great Lakes at the end of the
1950's. Then the bulk-carriers
Alexander T. Wood and its sister-
ship Avery C. Adams of 20,000 dwt
for the Wilson Marine Transit
Company were delivered. The
Alexander T. Wood has a uni-
directional, large-bore diesel of 6,-
800 bhp at 167 rpm which drives
a CPP of 14.5-foot diameter. Its
sistership has a reversible, large-
bore diesel of 6,500 bhp at 121 rpm
with a CPP of 12.5-foot diameter.
These were the largest vessels for
the Great Lakes and ocean service
at that time and have been the
prototype for the many vessels
which have since then been built
for the Great Lakes. The require-
ments for safe and swift maneuver-
ing are considerable in the Great
Lakes, especially in the locks.
When discussing the type of pro-
peller to be used for larger ocean-
going ships, other requirements
dominated. The main points were
how the CPP could be adapted to
ship automation and its influence
on the total efficiency of the pro-
pulsion system. The growing den-
*Mr. Norrby, technical manager, Karl-
stads Mekaniska Werkstad (KaMe-
Wa), Kristinehamn, Sweden, pre-
sented the paper condensed here be-
fore a meeting of the Northern Cali-
fornia Section of The Society of Naval
Architects and Marine Engineers.
sity of traffic in harbors and con-
fined waters also resulted in de-
mands for good maneuverability
for ocean-going vessels.
The first ocean-going vessel with
CPP which can be said to have
developed engine room automation
is the Danish East Asiatic Com-
pany's 10,000 dwt Andorra, de-
livered in 1964. The machinery
consists of a large-bore diesel of
12,000 bhp connected to a CPP of
18-foot diameter. From 1530 to
0600 the next day as well as Satur-
days and Sundays the vessel's en-
gine room is unmanned. Remote
control from the bridge to the pro-
peller can also be effected with a
fixed-pitch propeller (FPP) by
maneuvering of the main engine
from the bridge. However, the
shipowner considers the remote
control with CPP more reliable
than the rather complicated auto-
matic system required for remote
control for starting, stopping and
reversal of a diesel engine.
The number of CPPs is grow-
ing considerably. The principle of
the CPP has now been accepted
and this is, of course, to a high de-
gree due to the experience gained
from previous applications. In 1960
approximately 8 percent of all new
buildings above 2,000 dwt were
equipped with CPPs. For 1969 this
figure is estimated to be 18 percent.
An increasing number of rela-
tively large ships are driven by
CPPs. The largest propellers with
a diameter of 27 feet have been sup-
plied for the three steam-turbine-
driven 128,000-dwt ore/oil carriers
delivered by Mitsubishi and Kawa-
saki in Japan to San Juan Carriers
Ltd., Panama. These constitute the
first vessels with steam turbine and
CPP with the exception of a small
trawler in the 1950's.
Among other large CPPs in serv-
ice are propellers for the Finnish
Neste O/Y for two 110,000-dwt
bulk carriers delivered by Rhein-
stahl Nordseewerke in Germany
and for a 130,000-dwt tanker for
the Swedish Nynas Petroleum,
built by Eriksberg in Sweden. The
main machinery is a large-bore die-
sel of 26,000 bhp at 122 rpm. In the
arrangement is also included a
shaft-driven generator of 1,500 hp.
The propeller has a diameter of
22.5 feet. The propeller can be re-
mote controlled from three stations
on the bridge and also from the
control console in the engine room.
There is an electric remote control
from the bridge to the main engine
for speed control and the auxiliary
servomotor of the propeller for
pitch control. Between engine and
propeller there is an electronic load
control developed by Karlstads
Mekaniska Werkstad and the Axel
Johnson Institute for Industrial
Research in Sweden. The load con-
trol maintains the engine load at
the desired value (full load or part
load), by means of pitch adjust-
ment independent of variations in
external conditions. The input
signals used for the load control
are fuel rack position and the actu-
al rpm value. Thus the engine is
protected against overload both at
reduced rpm and during periods
of acceleration. To safeguard the
stability, the pitch is adjusted step-
wise. When the engine load is sub-
ject to considerable and swift alter-
ations, there is a continuous pitch
correction to enable the engine load
to reach normal values as quickly
as possible. When the desired load
has been achieved, the last correc-
tion phase is done stepwise to
avoid overswinging.
The propeller system for the
Nynas 130,000-dwt tanker is shown
in Figure 1. The remote control
is of the pneumatic type. The main
machinery consists of three 18-cyl-
inder medium-speed diesels totaling
25,000 bhp. The propeller with a
diameter of 26 feet is driven
through flexible couplings and re-
duction gears. Two cargo pumps
and a generator (1,090 hp) also are
driven by the reduction gears. The
propeller shaft speed is constant
at 95 rpm. The propeller can be
disconnected from the main ma-
chinery by releasing a coupling
when the cargo pumps are run-
ning The oil distribution box is
placed on the intermediate shaft
aft of the main gear. When one or
two engines are unclutched from
the propeller, the pitch is auto-
matically reduced so that it is not
required to adjust the control lever.
The load control has in principle
the same design and function as
(Continued on page 10)
Oil -
tion box
CP propeller Diesel
Flexible coupling
Reduction gear
Figure 1—Multi-engine drive for controllable-pitch propeller on 130,000-dwt tanker.
Gear for drive
of generator and
feed water pump
Figure 2—Steam-turbine arrangement for driving CPP on 128,000-dwt OBO carrier.
8 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
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