Int'l Nickel Holds
3-Day Shipbuilding
Materials Conference
Some 75 materials experts, ma-
rine engineers and naval architects
gathered on September 14 for the
opening session of International
Nickel's 1970 Shipbuilding Ma-
terials Conference. Representatives
of shipbuilding, shipping and sup-
porting industries participated in
three days of informal sessions to
exchange techniques and experi-
ences involving new developments
in marine materials and their fabri-
"There have been exciting de-
velopments since our last confer-
ence in 1968," said Arthur H. Tut-
hill, marine industries manager in
Inco's market development depart-
ment. "The icebreaker tanker had
captured wide attention, and dis-
cussions were held on their pro-
pellers as well as steels for ice-belt
and main-deck use."
Main topics for discussion in-
cluded seawater cooling systems,
propellers, improved hull plate
steel, cryogenic plate steels, and
cryogenic membranes. Hydrofoils,
gas turbines and copper-nickel
hulls were included in a special
topics forum. Sessions were held
at the Blockade Runner Motor
The next time your
ship needs repairs, DON'T give
it a second thought.
Bring it to us. We'll put it in one
of our six drydocks and GIVE it
the full treatment. Our 2000-
man work force and supporting
shops will have it fixed UP in no
time. You'll be back in THE water
sooner with your ship in SHIP shape.
Jacksonville Shipyards, Inc.
New York Sain Office: I Battery Park Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10004 (212) 943-2397
Hotel in Wrightsville Beach, N.C.
The conference concluded with
informal tours of Inco's Francis L.
LaQue Corrosion Laboratory. The
manager of the laboratory, Will
Kirk, was the conference host.
Anixter Power Systems
Appoints Wisniewski
John A. Wisniewski
John A. Wisniewski has been ap-
pointed marketing manager for
Anixter Power Systems-Gulf Coast
Operations, New Orleans, La., a
subsidiary of Anixter Bros., Inc.,
Skokie, 111. John Key, president of
APS-Gulf Coast, made the an-
Anixter Power Systems serves
the specialized e'ectrical equipment
requirements of oil-drilling opera-
tions, shipboard systems and heavy
industrial installations. APS de-
signs, manufactures, tests and in-
stalls motor-generator and power
control systems, and switching and
distribution centers. They also of-
fer motor and generator rebuilding
and repair service. APS products
range from electrical switchboards,
panel boards, service entrance
equipment to motor control cen-
ters, modular metering equipment,
and voltage regulators for gener-
Mr. Wisniewski, a 1954 graduate
of the United States Military
Academy, West Point, N.Y., joined
APS recently after working as sales
manager for Lutron Electronics,
Allentown, Pa. A native of Buffalo,
N.Y., Mr. Wisniewski holds an
M.B.A. degree from the University
of Pittsburgh.
Anixter Power Sy.stems-Gulf
Coast is part of the Anixter Power
Systems Group of Anixter Bros.,
Inc., of Skokie, 111. Anixter is a
specialist in the marketing and dis-
tribution of e'ectrical cable through
a nationwide network of 20 ware-
houses. Along with their manu-
facturing division, they provide
services to the pet-ro-chemieal,
communications, mining, aero-
space, automotive, shipboard, rail-
road, and utility industries.
5 Appointed To Board
Of World-Wide Shipping
Y.K. Pao, governing director of
the World-Wide Shipping Group,
recently announced the appoint-
ment of the following senior ex-
ecutives to the board of World-
Wide, (Shipping) Limited: F.C.
Lee, deputy governing director;
B.M. Chang, executive director;
Dr. Helmut Sohmen, director;
Gonzaga Li, director; and Paul
Lee, director.
14 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
Digital Wave Publishing