Facts about Union Carbide and POLARSTREAM
Introduced in 1961 POLARSTREAM
represented a new concept in
refrigerated transport, employing
liquified nitrogen gas as its source
coolant. Mechanically simple, the
system consists of a vacuum-insu-
lated storage container, a control
valve, a temperature controller, a
spray header, and attendant
plumbing As the liquid nitrogen is
discharged into the container, it
instantly vaporizes and expands
throughout the cargo area, provid-
ing uniform temperature control
in minutes.
• Union Carbide virtually "invented"
liquid nitrogen, installing America's
first air separation plant in 1907.
Since that time Union Carbide has
been the acknowledged leader in
producing liquified gases and in
pioneering the equipment and
technology that have made these
cryogenic fluids practical and
economical to use.
• POLARSTREAM refrigeration is only
one instance of Union Carbide's
broad, diverse involvement in the
production and protection of food.
An involvement that ranges from
plastic seed tape for planting crops
to GLAD Wrap, a plastic film used
for storing leftovers from the table.
Another liquid nitrogen system pro-
vides a fast, economical means for
processors to freeze foods.
October 1, 1770
POLARSTREAM and GLAD are registered
trade marks of Union Carbide Corporation
The POLARSTREAM mer Clip-on...a new concept
in refrigerated shipping.
Suddenly a new era in ocean-going containerized shipping is at hand. New ships, equipped
with central refrigeration to handle below-deck containers, are making containers with
built-in refrigeration obsolete.
This development solves many old problems, creates many new opportunities.
Container costs go down; container life expectancy goes up.
Safe, reliable POLARSTREAM clip-on units refrigerate containers before load-
ing aboard ship and after unloading at destination. A fork-lift truck snaps a
tank into place on the container and—instantly—there's cooling for overland
transit and dock storage.
Utilizing liquified nitrogen (—320°F.) as a coolant, POLARSTREAM units
• broadest possible temperature range—ambient down to —20°F.
• unmatched dependability and long life—no rotating parts.
• low cost—approximately half the investment required for Diesel-
electric refrigeration units.
• precise temperature control—thermostat-operated valve capa-
ble of maintaining any temperature within a 2° range.
• silent, safe, non-pollutant—no engine, no flammable fuel
storage, no exhaust fumes.
• flexibility—units can be used where needed for specific
legs of trip, as an "assist" to existing systems, or as a total
system for short hauls.
Overland test runs have already demonstrated the
advantages of this system. POLARSTREAM clip-on units
have recently been specified for use in connection
with eight refrigerated ships now under construc-
tion for A.C.T. and other shipping lines.
POLARSTREAM refrigeration also offers interest-
ing possibilities for the economical conver-
sion of existing ships to containerization.
Planning to build, modernize, container-
ize? Make POLARSTREAM refrigeration a part
of your plan. Let POLARSTREAM'S exclusive
maritime distributor provide you with full
details. Contact Mr. Robert L. Getz, MY
National Corporation, 17 Battery Place,
New York, New York 10004. Or, write to
Union Carbide Corporation, Linde Division,
270 Park Avenue, New York, N. Y.10017.
Digital Wave Publishing