Forensics courts and arbitrators to obtain an expert opinion on the cause of the incident, based on certainties rather than assumptions. This is vital to arrive at an objective and well-founded conclu- sion or arbitration award. The forensic investigators must secure the necessary evi- dence in order to prove what they think has happened, did indeed occur. Technology can play an integral role within this phase so that robust and reliable evidence can be sourced. However, shipping is a very traditional market and there is an inherent hesitancy towards change. It is for this reason that the majority of investigations are still to this day, carried out using very basic methods such as notebooks and cameras, de- spite more sophisticated technologies being available. Most importantly, it is the job of the surveyor to demonstrate to a court or arbitration panel that the evidence they are pre- senting is the most reliable and robust available. Although London in particular has very qualiÞ ed marine arbitrators and courts, the industry is witnessing a geographical shift change October 201222 MTRMTR #8 (18-33).indd 22MTR #8 (18-33).indd 2210/3/2012 9:42:33 AM10/3/2012 9:42:33 AM
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