AAPA Approves
Vote on WRDA
After a successful floor vote in the U.S.
House of Representatives to approve pas-
sage of a Water Resources Development
Act (WRDA) authorization bill, American
Association of Port Authorities (AAPA)
President/CEO Kurt Nagle applauded
committee and subcommittee leaders for
championing the legislation, noting that
this is a prelude to conference and final
passage of one of the most critically-need-
ed authorization bills of this session.
"America's ports depend upon a regu-
lar, biennial cycle of new project autho-
rizations to improve federal navigation
channels to accommodate calls from a
modern world fleet of deep-draft ships,"
remarked Nagle. "This bill is critical to
maintaining America's position as a dom-
inate world trading partner and ports as
engines of the nation's economic growth."
Nagle said that AAPA and its U.S.
member ports "are very appreciative" of
the support provided by Transportation
and Infrastructure Committee Chair Don
Young (R-AK) and Ranking Member
James Oberstar (D-MN), along with
Water Resources and Environment Sub-
committee Chair John Duncan (R-TN)
and Ranking Member Eddie Bernice
Johnson (D-TX).
The last WRDA bill was signed into law
in 2000. In the intervening half-decade,
as demand for critical water resources
projects has accumulated, so have the
costs to implement them, making it more
difficult to secure passage of a new
Nagle noted that the most important
thing HR 2864 does, in addition to needed
project authorizations, is set the stage for
timely biannual authorization bills in the
He said that approving a WRDA bill
every two years ensures the competitive-
ness of America's exports while permit-
ting the country's access to low-cost
imports, which helps control inflation.
EBDG Adds to
Roy Neyman has joined Elliott Bay
Design Group (EBDG) as Project Manag-
er, bringing with him nearly 30 years of
marine industry experience with both
government and commercial ship design,
construction, and operation projects.
David Wright has joined EBDG also,
bringing more than 16 years of drafting
and design experience. In his role as
Marine Designer he is currently support-
ing the design of a series of landing craft
vessels that will soon begin construction
at Kvichak Marine Industries.
SCORE Rises Again
Worldwide oil and gas drilling contrac-
tor GlobalSantaFe Corporation reported
that the company's worldwide SCORE, or
Summary of Current Offshore Rig Eco-
nomics, for June 2005 was up 9.2 percent
from the previous month's SCORE.
GlobalSantaFe's SCORE compares the
profitability of current mobile offshore
drilling rig dayrates to the profitability of
dayrates at the 1980-1981 peak of the off-
shore drilling cycle. In the 1980-1981
period, when SCORE averaged 100 per-
cent, new contract dayrates equaled the
sum of daily cash operating costs plus
approximately $700 per day per million
dollars invested.
Whitley Joins
Jim Whitley was appointed Director of
Technical Services for Rigdon Marine. He
will be responsible for vessel engineering,
new construction,
maintenance and
repair, vessel docu-
mentation, and reg-
ulatory compliance.
Larry Rigdon
said. "His compre-
hensive oversight of
the technical opera-
tions of our vessels,
including maintenance and repair, will
provide a safe environment for our crews
and an operating fleet of the highest qual-
ity for our customers." Whitley earned his
Bachelor of Science in Naval Architecture
and Marine Engineering from Webb Insti-
tute of Naval Architecture. He previously
worked for Rigdon Marine as an indepen-
dent contractor, overseeing the engineer-
ing support and onsite management of the
construction of the company's ten GPA
640 class platform support vessels in
Mobile, Ala.
8• MarineNews • August, 2005
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