FY ‘06 Funding:
America's Lock & Dam Modernization
FY 2006 FY 2006 FY 2006
President's House Efficient Funding
Budget Request Mark Up Level
Robert C. Byrd L/D
Ohio River, OH/WV $914,000 $914,000 $3,000,000
Chickamauga L/D, TN 0 10,000,000 10,000,000
Inner Harbor Navigation Canal, LA 0 9,038,000 19,000,000
Kentucky Lock Addition
Tennessee River, KY 0 21,750,000 40,350,000
Marmet L&D
Kanawha River, WV 68,830,000 68,830,000 73,500,000
McAlpine L&D
Ohio River, IN/KY 70,000,000 70,000,000 70,000,000
Locks & Dams 2, 3, & 4
Monongahela River, PA 50,800,000 50,800,000 63,500,000
J. T. Myers L/D
Ohio River, IN/KY 0 700,000 5,000,000
Olmsted L&D
Ohio River, IL/KY 90,000,000 90,000,000 110,000,000
Winfield L&D
Kanawha River, WV 2,400,000 - 0 - 2,400,000
Major Rehabilitation
Emsworth Dam, Ohio River, PA 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000
L&D 11 Upper Miss., IA& WI 7,580,000 7,202,000 10,900,000
L&D 19 Upper Miss., IA 17,502,000 17,502,000 17,502,000
L&D 24 Upper Miss., IL& MO 4,300,000 4,300,000 4,300,000
Waterways Council, Inc. (WCI)
announced that it is very pleased by the
action of the House Appropriations
Committee, which overwhelmingly
approved spending $365.3 million in
fiscal year 2006 to complete critical
Inland Waterway Trust Fund financed
lock and dam projects on the Nation's
inland waterways system. The Com-
mittee action further underscores and
improves upon President Bush's highest
ever FY 2006 budget request for the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Civil
Works program. In their actions, both
the Administration and the Committee
have demonstrated an increasing under-
standing of the many benefits of the
Nation's inland waterways system and
the goal of keeping the Nation econom-
ically strong and competitive.
"We particularly applaud the com-
mitment of Energy & Water Develop-
ment Subcommittee Chairman Hobson,
Ranking Minority Member Visclosky
and their Subcommittee colleagues to
the efficient funding and completion of
lock and dam projects from which the
entire Nation will benefit," said R. Barry
Palmer, WCI President. "The overrid-
ing mission of Waterways Council is to
advocate for the modernization of prior-
ity lock and dam projects and to urge
funding at the highest levels possible to
see those projects completed," he con-
tinued. Waterways carriers, shippers,
port authorities and companies which
use the nation's waterways to transport
essential bulk commodities such as coal,
grain, petroleum and chemicals valued
at more than $31 billion annually rely
upon a well-maintained and modern
national system of ports and waterways.
June, 2005 • MarineNews 7
" Q S P V E N F N C F S P G U I F - P D L I F F E . B S U J O 5 F B N
U P C V J M E U I F / B W Z T - J U U P S B M $ P N C B U 4 I J Q
0 O D B M M X J U I U F D I O P M P H Z
0 R I N C I P A L # O U R T 3 U I T E # # H E S A P E A K E 6 !
Circle 230 on Reader Service Card
$365 Million for
Critical Lock and
Dam Projects
JUNEMN2005 1(1-8).qxd 5/25/2005 5:18 PM Page 7
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