offers a desperately needed solution to our
country's need for expanding its arteries
for bulk freight movement. One large
inland tank barge can remove up to 150
tank trucks from our highways. It can
move cargo using less than one tenth the
amount of fuel and resultant air pollution
produced from a truck on the highway.
Here in Houston, and increasingly across
our country, local government is now real-
izing that they must identify clear meth-
ods for reducing traffic congestion and air
pollution, as these areas continue to grow,
and existing methods of freight trans-
portation are seen as a problem source.
The European Economic Union has real-
ized this for several years and has taken
measures to encourage development of
their waterways. We are sadly behind in
this realization. Adding urgency to this
message is the fact that we have not seen
fit to even maintain this vital national
interstate water highway system, and it is
in need of significant repair. Our country
has been fortunate to have had visionary
forefathers that pursued the dream of
building a system of waterways that con-
tinue to serve this country's expanding
needs with little or no modification since
completion over 50 years ago! An intrigu-
ing question we should ask ourselves is
"Could we ever dream of completing the
construction of such a waterway project
today?" Thanks to the visionaries of the
past, we have a system with capacity to
handle our needs for several generations
to come. We just need to maintain it!
MN: If you could have the federal gov-
ernment change one policy, what would it
Butler: We should have a national trans-
portation policy that would include a pro-
vision, similar to those used in Europe,
requiring evaluating the feasibility of
waterway transportation as a first option
for all new projects that would increase
load on our rails and highways, before any
other method of bulk freight movement
could be utilized. In my view, waterways
should be as much of a consideration
these days as our interstate highway sys-
tem. We should consider the same policy
and forethought to that used to develop
our interstate highway system over 50
years ago. I am not sure that there is any
other realistic option to be honest. The
cost to all of us, in terms of environmen-
tal damage, real estate, efficiency, and tax
dollars of continuing to ignore the advan-
tages offered from maximizing the use of
our existing waterway system, is just plain
unacceptable. Before we attempt to
expand our land-based systems, a national
study of future needs and use of "best
mode" should be part of our national
MN: What are some of the bottlenecks
that exist on the system?
Butler: I would like to answer this ques-
tion by taking some license with the word
"bottlenecks". First, and foremost of the
bottlenecks are our locks on the system.
Well over half of them are past their
design life, yet continue to serve increas-
ing levels of traffic, with decreasing effi-
ciency. We attempt to capture the result-
ing traffic delays, but my first hand expe-
rience tells me we are missing some sig-
nificant costs. Maintenance needs contin-
ue to escalate as these structures age, and
June, 2005 • MarineNews 27
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