6 • MarineNews • March, 2005
Sonsub Contracts New 280 ft. Vessel
Sonsub Inc. recently signed a 3 year charter agreement with Otto Candies, LLC for a
new IMR Construction Vessel. The yet to be named 280-ft., Class II DP Vessel
includes a 100 ton tele-knuckle boom crane, a 20 x 25 ft. moon pool, accommodations
for 66 personnel, and outfitted with one or two 200 hp Innovator ROV systems
depending upon the project and client requirements. The Moon-pool and crane
arrangement will allow safe and stable deployment to the seabed on heavy loads, like
manifolds, as well as the lay of umbilical and/or coil tubing lines.
Sonsub anticipates vessel availability starting March 2006 in the Gulf of Mexico.
Circle 211 on Reader Service Card
When APM Terminals, the world’s most successful container terminal
operators, decides to build a $450 million terminal in Portsmouth, that
says a lot. What makes Portsmouth so attractive to APM Terminals? The
same things that could make it the ideal location for your company’s
headquarters. Portsmouth is strategically located midway along the
Atlantic coast at the Zero Mile Marker on the Intracoastal Waterway.
Portsmouth is also part of Hampton Roads, the world’s largest natural
harbor and one of the busiest ports in America. The city’s business-friendly
environment includes Empowerment, Enterprise and HUB zones, work-
force development programs and much more. With a new business
park and retail and residential developments underway, now is the time
to join leading companies like APM Terminals in the city of Portsmouth.
The right place, the right time.
APM Terminals knows ports. APM Terminals chose Portsmouth, Virginia.
Sheriff Gets New
Fire/Rescue Boat
The Broward County Sheriff's Office
Department of Fire Resucue and Emer-
gency Service in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.
has accepted delivery of Marine 6, its
new FireStorm 40 Fire/Rescue boat.
MetalCraft Marine of Kingston,
Ontario, Canada, designed this new
generation fireboat with a top speed of
42 mph, a pumping capacity of 2,874
gpm and the ability to stop in just over
one boat length by using its twin diesel-
powered water jets. It provides
Broward County, Fla., with offshore
first response capabilities, as well as
covering the county's intra coastal and
Port Everglades oil terminal.
With the assistance of Hamilton 322
jet drives and twin Cummins 580 hp
diesel engines, the unique delta pad hull
design allows the FireStorm to get up on
plane much faster and handle in heavy
seas, while also performing rescues in
shallow water.
Fire equipment includes two remote
Elkhart monitors, one set on the cabin
top with the other on the bow. There are
also two Elkhart manual monitors one
either side of the aft deck, each having
twin 21/2 discharges for hand lines.
Darley provided 2-PSM 1250 pumps
which will run independently or togeth-
er from two built-in 75 gallon foam
tanks. Built in remote firefighting and
navigation console electronics provide a
clean access for both captain and navi-
gator. The flush aft deck allows for
maneuverability for patients and easy
accessibility to the wrap-around water
level dive platform. Marine 6 is fin-
ished off with custom graphics by
Graphic Imagination of Florida.
Circle 21 on Reader Service Card
Roehrig Maritime
Adds Tug to Fleet
Roehrig Maritime has purchased the
Tug Heidi E. Roehrig, formerly the
Weeks Marine Tug Matthew. The Heidi
is 3,300 hp, with a 105 ft. length over-
all, a 32 ft. beam, and a 13.6 ft. draft. It
has an Alman Johnson Tow Machine
with 2,000 ft. of two in. wire, and has
48,000 gallons of fuel capacity.
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