In 2005, Robert Allan Ltd will celebrate
its 75th year of continuous business as a
firm of Consulting Naval Architects.
From its base in Vancouver, the company
serves the international marine communi-
ty with a wide range of specialized work-
boat designs, as it has done since its
inception, through three generations of
family ownership. The company has
experienced considerable growth in the
past decade, and currently has more than
30 vessels to its designs under construc-
tion around the world, including a myriad
of high-performance tugboats of all types,
fireboats, crewboats, patrol craft, ferries,
and barges. The following are some high-
lights of current Robert Allan Ltd. pro-
jects that will be delivered in the early
months of 2005.
In January the highly advanced AVT
37/65-E Escort Tug for Østensjø Rederi
AS of Norway will start trials out of Gon-
dan Shipyard in Northern Spain. With an
unusual hull form, a novel skeg design,
and the world's first application of the
new Voith Turbo-Fin device, this 121.4 ft.
(37 m), 5,000 kW tug will set a new stan-
dard in escort towing performance. Also
in Spain, Unión Naval Valencia have just
launched the first two in a series of three
RAmparts 2400-A Class ASD tugs. Based
on the same successful compact hull form
as the tug Blackadder built in new
Zealand in 2003, this new design features
a full crew accommodation facility, and
an increased fuel capacity for greater
range. In Italy, Cantieri Navali Termoli
are making good progress on two AVT
27/60 Class Voith tractor tugs for
Rimorchiatori Riuniti of Genoa. The first
of these very compact, powerful harbor
tugs is due for completion in the first
quarter of 2005. Further south, Fratelli
Neri of Livorno will soon award a con-
tract for the construction of a series of the
new AZT 26/60 Class Z-drive tractor tugs
(Figure No. 4). These tugs will serve var-
ious ports along the Mediterranean coast
of Italy.
Middle East
Turkey continues to be bustling with
new tugs building to Robert Allan Ltd.
designs, including the following: Sanmar
Deniczilik of Istanbul is just completing
the second of two RAmparts 3200 Class
ASD tugs, a sister to the 105 ft. (32 m), 67
ton BP Achille Onorato, delivered in July
2004 to Rimorchiatori Sardi of Sardinia.
Sanmar are also building two more of the
successful, economic, 82 ft. (25 m) twin-
screw Dogancay Class tugs, and two more
72 ft. (22 m) twin-screw Nehir Class tugs,
all Robert Allan Ltd. designs.
Uzmar Uzmanlar of Izmir are building
two Robert Allan Ltd. designed ASD
30/65 Class tugs for service in the Caspi-
an Sea, due for delivery mid-year, and
these will be followed by a series of cus-
tomized RAmparts 3000 Class tugs for
Uzmar's own stable. Med Marine are
building a compact twin-screw tug of the
TS 22/40 Class, and will shortly begin
construction of the first of a series of
Robert Allan Ltd.'s well-proven ASD
24/45 Class tug which has been built in
numerous copies throughout North and
South America. Med Marine are also
putting the finishing touches on a RAm-
parts 2500 Class tug with 3,520 kW for
ARPAS. Another TS 22/40 Class tug is
building for DEKAS Maritime Pilotage.
One of the most anticipated projects in the
New Year will be the multi-tug contract
for the new ASD 36/70-E Class tugs
designed for IRSHAD, the marine opera-
tions arm of the Abu Dhabi National Oil
Company. These powerful terminal/escort
tugs will serve ADNOC's port facilities
throughout the Middle East, and will be
the world's first dedicated ASD Escort
tugs. The result of an ongoing R&D pro-
gram performed by Robert Allan Ltd. in
conjunction with the Institute of Marine
Dynamics in Newfoundland, the hull form
of these tugs incorporates features
designed to enhance indirect towing
forces and high-angle stability required in
these demanding escort towing opera-
tions. These same features result in a hull
with exceptional sea-keeping capabilities,
thus offering much greater comfort and
less fatigue to the crews. The RFP for this
project is expected to be in shipyards very
early in the New Year.
20 • MarineNews March, 2005
Tugboat Tech
RAL Leaves Its Indelible Mark
Circle 253 on Reader Service Card
ASD 24/40 Class Tug S/N Jaua for Sulnotre of Brazil
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